Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Soups Pepper Peach juice Peaches ...

Chop the peel into small pieces of garlic cloves and squeeze them in the garlic press. Melt butter in a saucepan. Bowl of curry, garlic and onions Switch it around for about 5 minutes. Pour chopped tomatoes, broth and cream into the pan and simmer for 15 m

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cut the sausages into slices of 1 cm size. Cut onions in the tern. Melt butter on a pan, put some peppers on. Add the onion and season them in peppers / butter until they are tender. Add the sausages and raise them a little. Add ketchup, milk or cream an

Mains Dijon mustard Pepper Salt ...

Grease the chops with a thin layer of mustard. Mix flour, sesame seeds, some salt and pepper on a plate. Turn the chops in this mixture. Melt the butter on a pan and cut the cutlets approx. 5 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness and the desire. Ta

Soups Coriander The rind from ½ lime Green asparagus ...

Cut the chicken meat into small tern. Cut the asparagus into small pieces. Cut the chili into small pieces. Heat the oil in the saucepan and chill the chilli. Add broth, coconut milk and lime glue shale. Give the soup a boil. Add the chicken meat. Boil

Mains Freshly ground pepper Eggs Bacon ...

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl (just bacon and the 3-4dl boullion) and mix well together. Form the father to something that looks like a loaf and put it in a refractory dish. Take the bacon and lay the strips over the phase to cover it. Pour boull

Mains Broth Wheat flour to jævning Væden from asparagus ...

Clean the chicken and remove all excess fat. Bring it raw and cook the pieces completely broth in broth (as little broth as possible). Cool the chicken in the cooking water, then take the meat off the legs and cut it into smaller pieces. Bring the meat to a

Mains Fat for frying Annanas in cubes Curry ...

Bacon switched, add chopped onions. Karry is splashing over and switching with. Add flour and tomato puree, add the pineapple juice, boil softly for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pineapple and chopsticks added. Stir in oven approx. 40 min at 200C. tips:

Mains Or 5 dl. cream fine 15% Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken and vegetables into small pieces. Melt margarine in a saucepan and sweat curry and pepper. Put the chicken in the pan, pour it into peppers - champions and spring onions in the pan, add salt - pepper and broth let it simmer a little. Add coo