Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains A little salt Water Alm. Onion which is stuck 4 whole cloves ...

The dried white beans are soaked in cold water for one night, and the beans are placed in a pot of fresh water, approx. 1 liter, as well as oil, bay leaf, garlic, onions with cloves. Boil without lid for approx. 1 hour. Take a few beans and notice if they are

Mains Parsley Leaf celery Broth ...

Sprinkle the ham with smoked pork and brown it in butter in a thick pot with an onion cut into slices, a carrot, a stalk of celery and parsley. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. When it is browned pour a large glass of white wine and then a large glass of broth o

Mains A little parsley Pepper Salt ...

The hair is divided into smaller pieces, part the thighs in the joint between the thighs and legs and divide the back in 3-4 pieces across. The batter is cut into small cubes and browned with the harness pieces for approx. 75 g of butter - this is best done i

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Herbal parties mentioned in the previous recipe, and the pieces are baked in butter on a pan or in a saucepan, seasoned with salt and pepper and small stews with a little of the broth under the hood for 1-1½ hours. During the frying, add a little more broth an

Mains EVS. a little saffron A little soya Meljævning ...

The chicken is rubbed with salt, ginger and peppers. Then fill with pieces of apples, pear and banana - peeled. Tie together and put the chicken with your chest up in a refractory dish. Brush with oil and soy. Stir without lid in the oven on a shelf at the bot

Mains EVS. a little, 1 tskf. paprika EVS. a little, only Cut parsley ...

Everything is mixed in the marinade. The chicken is divided into 4 pieces and draws in the marinade for couple of hours in a cold place. Now chop the onions and mix with the rice and both light dishes in butter in a saucepan until it is slightly light brow

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Possibly. Obstruction or tendons are removed and the meat is placed in the battered marinade for 3-4 hours. Take wipers and brunes in a pan in butter. Small stakes under low 20-25 min. Depending on thickness. Brush tenderloin and onions in a little butte

Mains Ground thyme Hvidkåls main Letknuste Juniper ...

The phases are connected to the wafers. Bacon is cut into cubes and swirled in a little butter and in the brune pheasants. The cabbage is cut into coarse strips and carrots in smaller pieces. Both are packed close to the pheasants with the spices sprinkled bet