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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh Chervil ...

Calves koteletterne made ready for frying. Wind ruerne halved, stones removed, and the grapes are dried in the oven for about 15 minutes at 160 °. Bacon and shallots cut into very small cubes. Asparagus, cut on the bias and made ready for steaming.

Soups EVS. 1.5 dl sour cream Pepper Red or green bell pepper ...

The meat is cut into cubes and FRY in margarine. Bacon cut into cubes, onions in both, and both fry with. The tomatoes must be scalded, skinned, cut into both and added along with garlic, spices and water together with the butter. The soup, covered, in 1-1

Mains Eggplant Bacon Potato ...

Bacon wrapped on perlehøne chest and brushed with good oil. Potato peeled and cut into slices. Eggplant cut into slices: Potato and aubergine brushed with good olive oil and seasoned with S & P as well as freshly chopped Basil. The discs are added in

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Begin with hash-sauce. The ureelle meat deboned sinew and fat. It is cut into fine cubes and FRY in a little butter and seasoned with thyme, marjoram and add bacon cut into small cubes. Sauté well through it all. Chicken meat is run once through a mincer and

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Cut bacon slices into small pieces and fry them crispy. Boil cauliflower bouquets just until tender in salted water and let them afdryppe. Mix the sauce and turn the bacon and cauliflower in filling in warm pita bread and come give more sauce and crispy bacon

Mains Bay leaves Marjoram Pepper ...

The meat is cleaned well of sinew and membranes. The meat is dried and rubbed with a mixture of salt, crushed pepper, crushed bay leaf and Marjoram. Brown the meat in melted butter with onions and carrots. When the meat is browned, add tomato pureen. Add ga

Mains Lime juice Pepper Salt ...

Animal hakkekødet molded to 4 steaks which are wrapped with bacon. The bacon be fastened with a toothpick. Seasoned with crushed juniper berries and salt and pepper to taste. The steaks are seared by good heat in butter 3-4 minutes on each side. Boiled pota

Mains Ben and hull from the pheasant Breast fillets, minced meat and liver from 1 large pheasant A pair of green peppercorns (Madagascar) ...

Start with geleen. Came the hull from the pheasant in a saucepan samman with ben from boiling battle it out, add the carrot, celery and onion, and Brown in the oil came in around 1/2 time by even heat, stir jævligt into the Pan so that all will be uniformly br