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Recipes with Bacon

Mains A little fat Salt Sugar ...

Onions takes longer than you'd think. Start with making them and cut them into slices. Brown a little fat with sugar in a pan, stir onions in, and when they are nicely browned, add the water. Stir often while the water evaporates. Brown the onions finished, wh

Mains Freshly ground pepper Grated lemon peel Salt ...

Mix the marinade of whiskey, salt, pepper, lemon zest and possibly. The price of sugar. Let the meat pull in the marinade for about half an hour. Pat the steaks dry and close them by a short, powerful Browning on both sides. Then lower the heat and cook abo

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The meat is shaped into 4 steaks, Brown in butter in a frying pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. The steaks are taken up. The onions chopped and toasting lightly on the forehead. Came the peeled tomatoes and mash them a little. Let it boil well through.

Mains Some splashes tabasco White pepper Salt ...

Cut the fish into small pieces. Mix the ingredients for the marinade. Put the fish in it and let it rest for 1 hour so that the mari aden can reach to deliver flavor. Cook onions a few minutes in the water. Smut husk of. Halvér bacon writes and roll them toget

Mains Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Free the Tenderloin of sinew and cut it into 2 cm thick slices. Twist the bacon around the meat. Willow buds, halve them and cook them for about 5 min. Del onions into quarters. Halve the peppers, remove frøstole and cut it into cubes. Set alternating meat, on

Salads EVS. Italian "aceto balsamico" Pepper Salt ...

Lettuce rinsed and picked into small pieces, place in a bowl. Bacon and lard cut into fine cubes and roasted on a frying pan with no fat. They met in a strainer over a bowl, so that the fat is collected. Style both for cooling. Andeleveren toasting, so it is p

Salads Wholemeal bread Finely chopped leek Finely chopped carrot ...

Heart salad rinsed well and the outer leaves are added to the page. The inner leaves are placed nicely on the plate. Bacon roasted well of and added eventually leek, lettuce leaves and carrot cubes. This is warmed through. Serve nicely on the plate together wi

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Spinach leaves, rinsed and drips off. Mushrooms cut into thin slices and onto with lemon juice. Bacon cut into thin strips. 2 tbsp oil heated in a frying pan. In this roasted bacon strips and added to draining. Liver flushed and FRY in bacon grease 3 minutes o