Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

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Sides Lemon slices Fresh coriander and/or scallions or chives Salt ...

The ingredients without fixed size must be added to suit your taste and are also dependent on the size of the eggplant. Try the dish without celery and peppers for the first time and then decide if you want to use it next time. Step onion (and celery and pe

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Bring eggs, egg yolk and lemon juice into the blender and let it run for a short while. Add the oil to a very thin beam while the blender is running at the highest speed. Season with salt and pepper.

Sides Little herbal salt Honey Cashew nuts ...

Cashews are ground in the blender. The hot rice, water and soy milk are added and blended into a cream. The rest of the ingredients are added and the remembrance is cooked. tips: Other variants: ½ dl cucumber salad blended in remoulade The bacon can also

Sides Fresh chili Lime juice thereof Onion ...

The tofu is drained and wrapped in a clean whisper. The tofu is placed between two plates pressed together, so the tofu is less moisturized and can soak up more marinade. Ingredients for marinade are mixed. The tofu is cut into squares and descended into th

Sides Lemon peel Orange peel, grated Sugar ...

Rinse the cranberries in a sieve in cold water and pour over ½ dl. Water in a pan and bring to a boil with at least 3 dl. sugar. When melted, add the berries and cook for 6-8 minutes. Take the pan off the fire and add the shredded shells. Pour the compot in

Sides Pepper Salt Oil ...

Clean the bushes by rinsing them easily under the cock and cutting off the beetles. Steam the onions for 8-10 minutes and pick them up with cloves. Put them on a small plate. Shake the dressing together and pour it over the onions. Eat them as the garnish for

Sides Eggs Cochlearia roughly chopped Whole milk ...

Mix eggs, milk and boilers together. Butter a small form of butter and pour the mass into it. Allow the mixture to stiffen in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Cool the egg and turn it on a plate. Serve the slice of rye bread and decorate with fresh cookware.