Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Coarse salt The garden's herbs Chili powder ...

Mix in a plastic bag a marinade of 1 dl oil, 3 tablespoons. Finely chopped herbs (eg almond thyme, lemontimian, oregano, parsley, lemon balm, dill), 2 tbsp. Finely chopped red snack pepper, ½ teaspoon. Cilipulver and 1 teaspoon. lemon pepper. Put the turkey br...

Desserts (cold) Strawberry Sugar Alm. Jam glass ...

Rinse and nip the berries and let them dripping on a pair of dishcloths to the wearers feel light and dry. Lay them with sugar in a flat bowl and leave them for a few hours for the juices. Stir gently until all sugar is dissolved.

Distribute berries and jui...

Appetizers Minced garlic Pepper Madeira ...

Go the teammates after too late and come to the liver in a blender or food processor. Add a spiced coarse onion, egg, whipped cream, salt and spices. Mix the mixture until it looks uniform, but preferably not too long, then the mousse becomes grated.

Bring ...

Cakes in form Icing sugar Lemon grated to thereof Eggs ...

Blend flour butter sugar and egg in the food processor. Push the dough into the bottom and top of the sides in a spring shape measuring approx. 15 cm. In dia stir quarries salt lemon balm milk and egg yolks together. Whip the whites lightly and sprinkle some o...

Cakes in form Lemon grated to thereof Egg white Sugar ...

First run flour butter sugar and egg into a dough in the food processor. Roll the dough put it in a 22cm. Shape and style it cool. Blend the ingredients to the filling in the food processor.

Pour the filling into the mold and behind 200 degrees C for approx...

Desserts (cold) Sugar Easily crushed macaroons Cream ...

Boil the cleaned bowl approx. 20 min. in water. Run it all in the food processor and then drive the mass through a rough sieve. Taste the puree with sugar.

Put the chilled pure together with macaroons and whipped cream...

Pickling Preservative Vinegar Water ...

Boil the shells for 20 minutes. In water with sugar and vinegar. Take the shells up and let them run a little before placing them in a glass jar.

Cook the layer a little and pour it over the cooked bowl and close the glass....

Cakes in form Salt Ground nutmeg Baking soda ...

Start stirring butter and sugar white. Add the banana and egg and stir well. Mix all the dry in a bowl and mix it in the butter mixture.

Fill the dough in a 2 l. Well-baked breadcrumb. Bag it at 175 degrees C. for approx. one hour. Feel a needle if the cake...