Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cold cuts Basil Sea salt Onion ...

The lid is switched on the dry pan. Walnuts are painted fine. Everything is blended in the food processor....

Base recipes Hot water on demand Salt Desiccated coconut ...

May flour and coconut flour boil for 30-40 minutes, add salt and all blend in the blender to "smelly" texture. Put the "butter" in a mold, cool and turn it on a dish....

Drinks (cold) A little vanilla Milk Bananas ...

Put it all in the blender and blend it together for approx. 20 sec....

Dressing Honey Cashews (or sunflower seeds) Tarragon ...

Cashews are ground in the blender. The cooked rice, lemon juice and the two dl hot water are added and blended into a "crèmefraiche-like" texture. Then add the milk, honey and salt and all blend further. The estragon is sprinkled and stirred around. The dressi...

Sides Little herbal salt Honey Cashew nuts ...

Cashews are ground in the blender. The hot rice, water and soy milk are added and blended into a cream. The rest of the ingredients are added and the remembrance is cooked.

Other variants:
½ dl cucumber salad blended in remoulade The bacon can also ...

Sides A squirt of lemon Little herbal salt Paprika to taste ...

Everything is mixed into a ketchup....

Lunch (to go) Oregano, dried Salt Sugar ...

The dough:
The yeast is stirred in the lukewarm water. Sugar is added - afterwards the oil. List of flour was kneaded in - kneaded well, preferably on stirrer. Salt + The rest of the flour is added and kneaded until the dough is cool. Raises for approx. 1 ½ h...