Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Torn yellow onions ...

Mix it all and taste it. Put in the refrigerator some hours before serving. Stir around before serving....

Sauces Vinegar Liquid preservative (URf.eks). atamon Garlic ...

The washed, scratched carrots are cut into cubes and put in a pan together with rinsed green leaves, the popped onion, the scratched, sliced ​​horseradish, grated celery and vinegar. The whole is boiled at low heat approx. 20 min. Add the essence, add white wi...

Sauces Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Crème frâiche and cream are whipped together and seasoned with lemon juice, salt, pepper and plenty of pickled basil leaves (preferably 1-2 hours before serving)....

Sauces Suit Pepper Salt ...

When the meat is roasted, boil the pan with balsamic vinegar, add the cream and cook to the desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. A little suit....

Sauces Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bacon into smaller pieces and wrap it with the sliced ​​onion. Sprinkle flour and bowl and flow into a suitable consistency. Boil the sauce and season with tomato sauce, salt, pepper and peppers. Can be served mostly pork and veal....

Sauces Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Clean and comminute mushrooms. Sprinkle them lightly with salt and boil them in 2 dl water. When boiled for 10 minutes, the mushroom slices are taken up and the milk is added. The pot is taken from the heat. Melt the butter and chop a large chopped onion softl...

Soups A splash of oil Peaches Chopped tomatoes ...

Curry and chilli are wrapped in oil and peach the juice is poured in.

Onions, garlic, tomatoes, boullion and peaches are poured at.

Spread the soup with a little water before blending it to get the correct consistency.

Finally, the prawns come in and ...

Soups Flute and garlic butter Large finely chopped onion Water ...

A little about a fire brigade soup Soup of fire brigades can taste really delicious. Especially if the firemen are young new shots. Therefore, this soup is suitable for eating in spring. The first fire brigade shot is already in March and April. (The burners c...