Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Salads Cayenne pepper Dijon mustard Minced parsley ...

Put the potatoes and so much water that they are covered in a 4 liter pot of hot heat and bring them to a boil. Turn down the flask, put on low and simmer the potatoes for 20 minutes or until they are tender. Pour the water off.

Mix while mayonnaise, pickle...

Salads Salt Lemon peel Garlic ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into 2 cm pieces. The asparagus is peeled from head to root, the bottom piece is broken off. The asparagus is then cut into pieces of approx. 5 cm.

Put potatoes and so much water that they are covered, in a pan over high heat...

Salads Lettuce leaves Fennel tuber cut into thin strips White wine vinegar ...

Heat the olive oil on a pan over medium heat and simmer the potatoes for 10 minutes, stirring regularly. Add fennel and garlic, stir for 5-10 minutes with frequent stirring until the vegetables are tender. Add olive and vinegar.

Spread the salad l...

Salads Romainesalatblade Freshly ground black pepper Large chopped tomato ...

Place the bulb in a large bowl and cover with cold water, leave it for 1 hour. Let it dry off, pour excess water.

Put the potatoes in a saucepan with so much water that they are covered and bring them to a boil. Turn down the flask, put on low and simmer th...

Salads Minced parsley White wine vinegar Salt ...

Put potatoes and so much water that they are covered in a 3 liter saucepan over high heat and bring them to a boil. Turn down the flare, put on the lid and simmer until they are almost tender, 10-15 minutes. Take care they do not boil. Pour the water off.


Salads Freshly ground black pepper Salt Plant oil ...

Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat and stir the potatoes until they are tender for 10-15 minutes, with regular stirring. Put them on a dish with a casing.

Step kilbasa and leek in the rest of the oil left on the forehead, over medium to high heat for ap...

Lunch Turmeric, ground Tomatoes Cucumber ...

Salad mayonnaise mix with finely chopped onions, curry and a little turmeric for the sake of color.

Step bacon and chicken. (If you put bacon on first you do not need to add extra fat.)

Shake the sandwich and cut the crust off. Cut the chicken into as th...

Salads Watercress Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Put the sweet potatoes with so much water that they are covered in a 3 liter saucepan over high heat and bring them to a boil. Turn down the flask, put on the lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are very tender. Pour the water off.

Heat 1...