Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Sugar Buttermilk ...

Eggs sugar and vanilla sugar are whipped together.
Carefully stir the buttermilk in....

Salads Lettuce leaves Freshly ground black pepper Minced parsley ...

Bring the sweet potatoes and boil with so much water that they are covered in a pot of hot heat. Turn down the flask, put on low and simmer for 10 minutes or until the potato pieces are tender. Pour the water off.

Heat while oil in a pan over medium to high...

Cakes in form Eggs, pasteurized Butter Cinnamon, ground ...

Flour, soda, cinnamon, sugar and buttermilk are mixed. The butter is melted, all ingredients mix well together. The dough is poured into a greased baking pan 33x38 cm. And baked at 200 degrees Celsius. Oven for approx. 30 minutes depending on the thickness of ...

Salads Bladselleri leaves Walnut kernels Grapes ...

Taste cremefraiche and the Greek yoghurt with sugar and salt. Clean the bladeseller sheets and cut them across thin strips. Save nice leaves to decorate Half the grapes and remove the kernels, or buy stone-free grapes. Store nice grapes for decoration Cut the ...

Cakes in form Raisins Salt Bicarbonate of soda ...

Eggs and dips are whipped well Olive added flour Mix with cinnamon, salt, baking soda, soda and vanilla sugar and stir in Carrot and raisins turn in poured into greased smaller bread pan baked at 185 degrees C for 75 minutes.

Decorate with nuts before bakin...

Salads Pepper Salt Chives ...

Peel and boil the potatoes. Clean the spring onion and peel in slices. Cut the hot potatoes into slices or terns. Mix potatoes, leeks and spring onions. Add finely chopped garlic and finely chopped garlic. Stir the dressing together and pour it over the slight...

Salads Pepper Salt Onions, diced ...

Boil the potatoes in lather salted water. Stir the bacon crispy on a dry forehead. Come loose on the forehead and turn it golden. Add vinegar and broth and keep warm over low heat. Cut potatoes in slices while they are hot. Bring them in a bowl and pour the dr...

Sandwiches Pepper Salt Butter ...

Sprinkle cream to light foam and turn into finely chopped apple and horseradish. Taste with lemon juice, salt and pepper and do not touch the salad anymore, as it separates very easily.

Serve calvet sole on rye bread and top with horseradish salad. Decorate...