Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cakes in form Eggs Baking soda Butter or margarine ...

Strawberries are put to the bottom of a greased pie and sprinkled with sugar. The butter is melted in a saucepan. Put the rest of the ingredients in and stir until it is a uniform dough. Put the dough in a refrigerator until it is cooled. Small lumps of dough ...

Cakes in form Eggs Butter/margarine Vanilla sugar ...

The almonds are sliced ​​and blended. Mix flour, sugar, the finely chopped almonds. Cut the fat in and finely with your fingers. Gather it all with the stuffed egg.

The dough is divided into two and rolled out to match a pie shape. Put it in the mo...

Cakes in form Strawberry juice. cute. concentrated Water Baking soda ...

Stir the eggs in a bowl and add flour and cold water. Whip until it is white. Season the flour with potato flour and baking soda in another bowl. Dressed a spring shape approx. 26 cm. With baking paper. Stir the egg in the flour and pour it into the mold and b...

Cakes in form Eggs Vanilla pod Corn flour cornstarch ...

The butter is crumbled in the flour. The other ingredients are added. The dough is collected quickly and placed in the refrigerator approx. 1 hour. The dough can also be made in a food processor. A pie shaped with the dough. Bake approx. 15 min. At 200 degrees...

Cold cuts Salt White pepper Ground ginger ...

Pork liver, spank, ham and onion chopped 1 - 2 times.

The pulp is stirred with a little salt. Pepper, fried ginger, flour, egg and coffee cream are added. Stir it all together well and put the mass into shape.

Bake 1 hour at 160 - 170 degrees C. alm. ove...

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Water ...

Bring water with salt to boil. Bring the bouquets and boil them for 3 min. Take the bouquets and cook the spaghetti al dente together in water. Decorate bouquets and spaghetti on hot plates. Heat the oil and shake the breadcrumbs golden. Sprinkle them over the...

Desserts (cold) A little sweet Almond essence Vanillekorn ...

Peel the mango, chop it into small tern and freeze them for approx. 1 hour. Then blend with yogurt. Taste with vanilla and maneless and possibly. Little sweetie....

Sides Garlic Oil Salt ...

Potatoes of uniform size that must not be too large, washed carefully, wiped and cut through lengthwise. Rub on the surface with a spotted garlic clove. Brush with oil, place side by side in a greased ovenproof dish.

On each potato, put a small lump of cold...