Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Appetizers A packet of frozen fillet boards Salt White wine ...

Clean and cook asparagus approx. 10 minutes in salted water (2 teaspoons per liter). Cool them. The butter dough is rolled out to a thickness of ½ cm. Cut 8 triangles (7 cm on each side). Lay them 2 and 2 on top of each other. Brush with egg and press the t

Appetizers Pepper Salt Cream ...

The wooded end is broken by the asparagus and steamed in leachate water for 5 minutes. sauce: The loaf is chopped and swirled in butter. The wine is added and cooked to half. Broth and saffron are added. Cream and corn starch together and stir in the sauce

Lunch White wine Artichoke Chives ...

The lobsters are cooked according to the cooking method. The meat is peeled out of the claws and tails and cut into coarse tern. The scallops are steamed in water and white wine with a little salt and cut into coarse tern. The stick is broken by the arti

Mains Fresh small thyme leaves Garlic, crushed Pepper ...

The garlic cloves are stuck in the chill, rubbed with pepper and thyme. Then put the chalice in a greased ovenproof dish or frying pan and place in the oven slightly below the center at 250 ° C. ½ hour. Meanwhile, the sliced ​​onions are sautéed in the butter,

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil ...

The tip is fluttered with a sharp knife, it still has to hang on one side, so it will be a big piece that can now be rolled together. Spread the meat and chop the chopped parsley, chopped basil, chopped sage, garlic salt and pepper over the meat and roll th

Soups Chili White wine Ginger ...

Take a large piece of stanniol and pour oil, salt and pepper on. The mussels are laid in the middle and the scallops are laid on top. At the top the prawns are laid. Fold the tuna roll over the seafood. Before closing the last side add a little water (white wi

Mains Wheat flour to pudring A little olive oil Oil for sautéing ...

The calfskank slices are sprinkled with flour and sautéed easily in olive oil in a steak or sautepande. When the slices are well-sourced (without taking color) add white wine and garlic sauce. Pour water on - so the slices are barely covered with moisture. Spr

Mains Fresh Sage Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into 10 thin slices and knock it lightly with the palm of the hand. Sprinkle the slices with salt, pepper and freshly prepared parmesan cheese and put on a few sage leaves. Put a slice of parma ham on each piece of meat and stick it with meat need