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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Ice cream Kiwi fruit Alm. vanilla ice cream ...

Bottom: beat the egg whites until stiff and whip the sugar in. chop the almonds fine and stir them in. Behind the bottom in a 22 cm greased springform ca 30 min at 170 a little less by hot air. When the base is baked made it to cool. Take vaniljeisen out of th

Cakes Strawberry The juice and the yellow split shell of ½ lemon Milk ...

Fat and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, and then add the egg yolks one at a time, and finally add the flour and the other ingredients, and it's all stirred into a uniform dough. The egg whites whipped

Mains Eggs Margarine Pepper ...

Carrots & potatoes skraldes and cut into thin slices, onion chopped finely and place in a serving dish. Add the tomatoes and flåed piskefløden, salt & pepper. Made in preheated oven 160 degrees for about 45 minutes then the oven at 180 degrees style. F

Cakes in form Butter to form Bitter almond Lemon ...

Soft sveskerne out overnight in water, with a couple of tablespoons. Sugar. Roof sveskerne up, take the stones out, and put them into a well-oiled springform. Sprinkle almonds over, or put an almond in each prune. Boil sugar water with the crack must of

Desserts (cold) Macaroons (crushed) Vanilla sugar Light chocolate (possibly a little less) ...

The carrots peeled and grated. Apples peeled and cut into small cubes. Chocolate chopped (save a little for garnish) The cream whipped into foam and mix with sour cream and about 2 tsp. vanilla sugar. Carrots, apples, chocolate and crushed markroner be

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon, ground Pepper Whipped cream ...

Melt nougaten along with cinnamon over a water bath and stir in along the way. Whip the cream to very soft t foam. Whip the cream skimmed in nougaten with 1/3 of strenuous movements. Then, very gently nougaten up in the rest of the cream skimmed with a spatula

Cakes Cocoa Desiccated coconut Whipped cream ...

Mix all the ingredients well together. Form small balls and roll them in desiccated coconut or mixed vermicelli while they are still a little soft. Oatmeal balls keep cool.

Desserts (cold) Vanilla ice cream Whipped cream Oranges ...

Cut quite a bit of bases at appelsinen, so that it can stand without tipping over. Then cut the top of the appelsinen, so that you can scrape Orange flesh out. (save the peaks in a close container) Vanilla ice cream to be stirred together with whipping cream