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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Condensed milk Milk Water (for sauce) ...

To the sauce: Bring water and cocoa into the boil and leave it. To the ice: warm the egg yolks, the condensed milk and the milk up, but the non-boil, leave it at low temperature. Whip the egg yolks and whipped cream separately and stir it together, and the

Cakes in form Salt Egg yolk Orange peel ...

Dough: Sift the flour into a bowl. Pour the flour in the bowl and mix the two things together. Cut the cold butter into smaller pieces and crumble it. Gather the dough with the egg yolk. Simply dough together, cover the bowl with film or silver paper and p

Mains 2 stalks fresh rosemary 2 stems fresh thyme 5 dl. chicken broth ...

Clean the chicken for any. Ingots and remnants of feathers. Bring the chicken in a large saucepan. Peel the bulbs and cut them in the neighborhood, blame the bell peel and cut each stalk into 4 pieces, wash the carrots and cut them in large pieces. Bring the

Desserts (patisserie) Vermicelli according to your choice Cinnamon Vanilla sugar ...

Bring cream and cinnamon into a pan. Heat the mixture while stirring to the boil. Let it simmer a few minutes then. Chop chocolate and nougat into smaller pieces and put it in a bowl. Pour the hot cream over nougat and chocolate. Let it stand for a minute

Desserts (cold) Sugar to taste Whipped cream Frozen strawberries ...

Place the house blend in a soft bowl of cold water. Boil the strawberries in a saucepan with water, add sugar and flavor. Boil the strawberries well and blend them to the end so they are completely purified. Take the pot off the flask and add the soft husblas

Cold cuts Allspice Nutmeg Carnations ...

Live and chop finely chopped 2 times and pour into bowl, add soup, egg and spices, finely chopped onions and add the rest of the ingredients, stir thoroughly. Leverpostejmassen is distributed in 4 to 5 aloe trays, baked in water bath with over / under heat

Desserts (cold) Maple syrup Whipped cream Icing sugar ...

Chop 100 grams of chocolate and mix it with the rest of the ingridiens. Save the rest of the chocolate. Melt the rest of the chocolate in a water bath. Butter the ice cream with the chocolate. Place the ice in the freezer.

Cakes Vermicelli Vanilla rod Whipped cream ...

The cake is crumbled in a bowl. Warm the cream slowly up to the boiling point with the vanilla kernel and the empty vanilla bar without having to boil. Add the chocolate and let it melt to a smooth sauce while stirring. Mix it with the crumbled cake and add th