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Recipes with Turkey schnitzler

Mains Liquid becel Pepper Rice ...

Turn the lime twigs into the thyme and fold the parma ham around. The brown Schnitzler in Liquid Becel, season with salt and pepper and add half of the bouillon / fund. Let the dish simmer for approx. 3-4 minutes and keep the schnitzler warm on a dish. On t

Mains Fresh chopped Basil Milk Pepper ...

Sprinkle the Kalkunschnitzl with salt and pepper and put them in butter on a pan. Cut a few onions in slices and lightly sprinkle them with butter without taking color. Add a tartar garlic cheese. Sprinkle with milk so that the sauce turns round. Season wit

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Kalkunschnitzlerne is thinned between two pieces of household film. Each schnitzel is lubricated with a thin layer of mustard and sprinkled with chopped garlic and pepper. The Schnitzler rolls together and closes with a toothpick or cotton string. The ro

Mains Asparagus potatoes EVS. a little cream to sauce Pepper ...

Slide the schnitzlerne along and knock the pieces easily with the palm of the hand. Roll each piece together for a pair of prongs and then put a slice of bacon about each roll. Put it all together well with toothpicks. Stir the rolls by not too high heat in

Mains "oven-potatoes" (slices or both) Bowl of mixed salad of your choice Turkey schnitzler ...

The kalkunschnitzlerne is spread out and at one end the filling is made up of: sun-dried tomatoes in small pieces, smoked pork tenderloin in small tern and grated cheese. Kalkunschnitzles are rolled together and put on top a slice of smoked pork tenderloin and

Mains A little fresh Sage or Basil Olive oil, for frying Pepper ...

Kalkunschnitzlerne is laid on a large cutting board and bench surface with a meat hammer or with the palm of the hand. It does not matter if there is a slight gap. Grab each schnitzel together on a slice of parma ham and a pair of fresh sage leaves. Keep them

Mains EVS. Sambal oelek (red chili paste) Oil, for frying Soy sauce ...

Divide each schnitzel in two or three lengthwise. Heat little oil in a wok or on a large forehead and add a fine golden brown to the meat. Add a couple of tablespoons of soya and let the meat take it. Take the meat up and keep it warm. Cut the oyster caps into

Mains Freshly grated parmesan Capers Paprika ...

Kalkunschnitzlerne is laid on a large cutting board and bench with a meat hammer. Mix a deep plate of rasp with finely sliced ​​parmesan, peppers, salt and pepper. First, turn the schnitzler into coiled egg, then in the rasp mix. Stretch them golden on both si