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Recipes with Sugar

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Havergryn ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water and add all the other ingredients. Stir the mixture well. Resolved to uplift the night over a cool place. Set of blobs of dough on a baking sheet with two forks. Sprinkled with sunflower seeds, poppy seeds or other. Bake 20 minu

Drinks (cold) Champagne Ice cubes Sugar ...

Fill a glass halfway with ice. Then add the gin, lemon juice and sugar and stir well. Make up with champagne. Garnish, if desired. with an orange slice.

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Schweppes bitter lemon BOLs blue ...

Fill a long drink glass with ice cubes, pour the vodka and triple sec in. Then pour the lemon juice and sugar in the fill the glass up with Bitter Lemon. Carefully add Blue bols and garnish with a spiral of lemon peel.

Desserts (cold) Dark Rum Whipping cream ... lightly beaten Good dark chocolate ...

Got the chocolate in a heat-proof Bowl. Fill a pot halfway with water and bring it to a boil. Take it from the heat and set the bowl over saucepan, without letting it come into contact with water. Stir until the chocolate is melted, sometimes. Leave to cool.

Desserts (warm) Breadcrumbs Egg white Pure raw marzipan ...

The apples were peeled off, and House's core out. Mix a solid mass of egg white and marzipan and fill in Apple hole. Then roll the apples in a mixture of bread crumbs and sugar. Apples put in an ovenproof dish and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees c.

Sauces White wine vinegar Sugar Raspberry breeze ...

It all boils up, and allow to cool. (could possibly aim).

Drinks (cold) All ingredients are weighed by as needed Frozen berries e.g. strawberries or raspberries Coconut ...

Came the frozen berries in the blender and blend until they are powdered. Add milk a little at a time, while the Blender still running. When the mass has the right consistency to taste with sugar and coconut. (vanilla sugar)

Cakes Dough Salt Eggs ...

Milk lunes, place in a serving dish-dissolve the yeast in it. Flour and the other ingredients mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, which raises to double size 30-45 minutes, uncovered. The dough is divided into two equal parts and rol