Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Skimmed milk Margarine Desiccated coconut ...

Important !! Read the entire recipe before you begin: P Bottom: Whip egg and sugar light yellow, gently peel the dry ingredients and turn around. Heat the milk and melt the butter, mix it gently into the dough. Pour the dough into a large pan with baki

Drinks (cold) Orange juice A38 Mini milk ...

Everything blends well!

Mains Pepper Salt Cinnamon ...

Cut the potatoes in medium-sized tern. Boil them until there are still bites. Pour the water off and put the slices of dumplings in a bowl. Sweat loaves and spices along with butter in the pan until the loegs have a light golden color. Add the joints and switc

Mains Hvidtøl (jylebryg evt.) Salt Sugar ...

Eggs are whipped with sugar. Then mix the rest in. It is whipped until all the lumps are gone. tips: It rows approx. For 4 people. 2 adults, 2 children eg.

Cakes in form Coffee Desiccated coconut Magarine ...

Whip egg and sugar frothy. Mix flour, cocoa, vanilla and baking soda and mix it with the milk. Melt the stew and let it cool a little before pouring it into the dough. The dough comes in breadcrumbs. Bake at 175 degrees for about 45 minutes. Glaze: Mix in a

Cakes in form Cacao Soft butter Milk ...

Stir the butter and sugar well together. Add the eggs one at a time and stir well each day. Mix flour baking soda, cocoa and vanilla sugar together and stir in the dough alternately with the milk. Pour the dough into a small SMURT pan (25X30cm) and place the c

Cakes in form Orange juice Icing sugar Among other things, dried fruit and nuts (salatmix) ...

Lemon melissa and nutmeg blend in the blender. The rest of the ingredients are added and blended until the dough is uniform. The dough poured into a mold / frying pan and baked at 175 degrees for approx. 40 minutes. The glaze is stirred and lubricated on

Cakes in form Cocoa Melted margarine Bicarbonate of soda ...

All ingredients are whipped with the hand mixer and poured into the mold (half pastry pan) Bake at 200 for approx. 30 min Stir the glaze together and put it on the cooled cake.