Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Nut kernels Sugar Whipping cream and fresh raspberries ...

Bunde: Whip the egg whites stiff and whip the sugar for a little while. Chop the nuts well and turn them into the marrow. Draw 2 circles after a spring shape on baking paper. Lubricate the marble mass into the circles and bag them at 175 degrees for approx. 3

Cakes Game boiling water Desiccated coconut NESCAFÉ ...

Whip sugar and eggs to an airy mass. Whip the vanilla and cocoa with the melted butter whipped in a thin beam. Mix flour and baking soda and whip it in the mass alternately with the milk. Wipe the dough into a wide pan (about 28 x 38) coated with baking paper

Pickling Vanilla pod Sugar Hazelnuts ...

The sugar is placed over the heat. When it starts to melt add the nuts and the whole is warmed well until the sugar is melted and the sugar begins to caramelize. Then add the porridge and the spoon of vanilla and the small cooker to a syrupy consistency, an

Drinks (cold) Lemon Oatmeal-sugar Danish water ...

Just mix it all together. tips: Remember to pick up the lemon.

Mains Milk Pepper Pressed garlic at will ...

Start roasting the chicken fillets on a medium pan. (They must not be too crisp, but must be cooked until they are white inside) Meanwhile, stir the tomato puree together with the cream, spices and squeezed garlic. Add some sugar or Beauvais ketchup, as the t

Appetizers Lemon slices Dill Lots of chopped parsley ...

Round sandwiches: Melt butter, pour in milk and raise yeast in liquid. Add salt, sugar and flour and work. The dough soft and supple. Raises approx. ½ hour. Grease the ring to a spring shape (about 24 cm.), Style it on greased baking paper. The dough is gentl

Drinks (warm) Whipped cream Coffee Rome ...

Make the coffee Fill the cup half with coffee Get some sugar in Add 4 cl room and stir around once Immediately remove whipped cream so the cream does not evaporate.

Cakes Eggs Milk Melted margarine ...

The yeast is crumbled and sugar is poured on. Stands for about 3-5 minutes. Everything else is then mixed in. Raises for ½ hour. Shaped into buns, pressed lightly flat. Raises again 15 min. Now punch in the middle and put raspberry jam and cream in. Rep