Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Sour cream Whipped cream ...

slice the strawberries into slices. Take some of them from for garnish. Sprinkle rest with sugar (85 grams) let them soak 1 hour. And benefit them in the serving glass. Whip the cream stiff. Stir cream fraichen up with sugar (2 tablespoons) and vanilla sugar.

Desserts (cold) Egg white Whipped cream Fresh strawberries ...

Take some strawberries for garnish. Findel for the rest of the berries with el-handed whips or in blender. Mix the bog with the sugar. Whip the cream stiff. Beat the egg white stiff. Turn both cautious in the fruit the bog. Set fruit mousseen 1-2 hours in the

Pickling Cinnamon stick Oranges fillets thereof Sugar ...

Plug kumquats'erne with a grill needle or knife. Blanch them 3 times and got them after each time in ice water. Melt the sugar to a golden color, add the orange juice, put the kumquats and orange fillets and Peel, clove and cinnamon in the brine, but teams. re

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Wheat flour ...

Butter is melted and poured over grynene. Beat the eggs and sugar together and pour into grynene, along with the rest of the ingredients. Stir together. On baking paper approximately 1 tsp. per cake. 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 8 minutes should be

Cakes in form The stuffed shells Whipped cream Icing sugar ...

Chocolate cake: beat the eggs and sugar to thick cream. The other ingredients are added and stir well. Dough baked in a springform approx. 18 minutes at 175 degrees C. Passion fruit mousse: Giblets of 4 passion fruit, sugar, 2 tbsp. Orange juice. DO NOT BOI

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Vaniliesukker ...

All the ingredients are mixed together. The cakes are put on with a teaspoon. Bake at 190-200 degrees, Bake until light brown, they are very soft when taken out. Let them stand and cool off before serving. Baking time is approximately 7-8 minutes Tips: eas

Desserts (cold) Strawberry Water Vanilla pod or 1-2 tsp. vanilla sugar ...

came the strawberries in a saucepan with water and sugar. Bring them to a boil. Pipe a jævning of corn flour and water and even strawberries. Let them cook for a few min. Pour them into a serving bowl and style them to cool. Boil the rice in the water (with

Cakes in form Cacao Cognac Karfoffelmel ...

Sugar and egg yolks whipped stiff. Butter and chocolate is melted over a water bath. Almonds cognac nescafe boiling water cocoa and potato flour mixed into the egg and sugar mixture together with chocolate mixture. Bake in springform at 175 degrees C ca. 30 mi