Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The beef broth is well-baked with carrots and onions in the butter. Pilsner and water pour over and the dish cooks for 2.3 hours until the meat is very tender. Refills with water as needed. The pot must not boil dry. sauce: The meat is taken up and the sou

Mains Coarse salt White pepper Clip green the rest from steaksne ...

Boil the pasta in plenty of lettuce water, add 1 tbsp. Oil. Let it drip into a sieve and swallow it off. Cut spring onions in thin rings, carrot in small cubes and celery in small pieces. Blancher 1 minute in boiled water. Let it swell. Mix oil, vinegar and mu

Mains 0.5 dl. whipping cream Broccoli Flute or naan-bread for food ...

Heat some oil in a wok. Add red curry paste, coriander and garlic. The meat is cut into slices and browned in the wok. Half of the lemon juice is poured over the meat - season with black pepper while it fry. Broccoli, spring onion and green pepper are wash

Mains Chili Salt Rice ...

Rinse the chicken fillets and dip them dry. Yoghurt, curry, salt and chili are stirred together and the chicken fillets are marinated in the mixture and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Let the chicken dripping and place on a plate (or dish) and put

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Dill ...

Chop the tomatoes and cut into slices. Mix the juice from limene, olive oil, salt and pepper and pour it over the salsa and mix thoroughly. Chop the dill. Mix cheese, cremefraiche and dill. Grease each salmon slice with 1/4 of the cheese mixture and roll th

Appetizers Freshly grated horseradish Groftkværnet pepper Avocado ...

Chop the tomatoes and spring onion well. Pour the juice of limene and olive oil over and spice with coarse grated pepper. Cut the avocado in the tern. Put a slice of salmon on a frying pan, put it quarter of the avocado at one end, add a little horseradish

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Yellow pepper ...

Blame all the vegetables, and then cut them into small pieces and mix in a bowl, and then you have to put the Greek yogurt in. Then just taste it with salt and pepper .. - you can also take 1 - 1½ dl. Corn and peas in if you like it. tips: Is good for f