Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Fresh chili Oil Red bell pepper ...

Chop the pepper and chili very nicely - like chopped parsley. Tear the ginger. Stir the meat with pepper, chilli and ginger and crushed garlic. Add vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper. Form the dad to 16 small elongated or round fry plates. Heat the

Mains Pepper Persillesky Salt ...

The deer fillet is divided into 6 pieces as brune in butter on a hot forehead, approx. 1 minute on each side, season with salt and pepper. The browned fillets are wrapped with bacon. This can be done in good time, possibly. In the morning where they will be us

Soups 2 tbsp. Chili oil or Oil touched with tabsco Red bell pepper ...

1. Bring chicken breast in a pot of cold water and boil. Foam grums on the surface away with a spoon or spoon. 2. Peel the peel off and split it into two. Put it in the water with chopped chilli and salt. Let the chicken stews boil on low heat for approx. 1

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes for garnish/linings Pepper Salt ...

All the vegetables are cut very nicely and mixed in a bowl of finely chopped herbs cremefraise and lemon juice. Then turn the prawns in and season with salt and pepper severes on a green salad bottom with coarse flutes to tips: The green hall will be good

Sides Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Cut onions and spring onions. Bring oil on the forehead and turn on onions / spring onions. Put rice on the forehead and turn around - then water, boullion, finely chopped carrot, mushroom, salt, pepper and soy. Let it boil for 10 minutes and cook the peas. Co

Mains Mushrooms Ham into strips BUKO pikantost ...

Get all the pikant cheese in a bowl. Cut the spring onion into small rings and get in the bowl - stir around. Bring mushrooms and ham on a forehead. Shake it for about 5 mins between heat - this makes it easier to stir in the cheese. Roll the butterdash p

Mains Salt Spring onions Chopped onion ...

The onion and the meat are browned in a saucepan. Potatoes and carrots peeled and torn on a grater. Come down to the pan with the water. Spring onions are cut well and in the pot. And the rest of the ingredients. It must stand and cook for 30 minutes so it is

Mains Pepper Salt Sambal oelek ...

Fry the chicken in a bowl and stir the soft.chilisauce, ketchup, salt, pepper and the chopped garlic with it. The fathers are shaped into small sausages. Bacon wraps around and finally put on small wooden spikes. They are put on a baking sheet and made in t