Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Skimmed milk

Desserts (cold) Vanilla essence Skimmed milk -moulded tbsp. tykkebærsauce ...

Pour the rice in a saucepan with 1 dl of cold water, bring to the boil and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. Add milk, bring the pot to a boil again and simmer for 45 minutes, or to the rice is very soft and creamy. They cooled. Add the vanilla esse

Cakes in form The reef must be from 1 untreated orange Juice from the same Cheasy a38 ...

Beat the eggs thoroughly with sugar and add the rest of the ingredients. Fill the dough into muffin tins and bake the cakes at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. There are muffin cups with a good coating, which can be sprayed with a good oil: almond, walnut, sun

Lunch (to go) Ketchup Salt Wheat flour ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Warm the milk to it is hand warm and stir a bit of it in yeast. Add the rest of the milk and the salt, oil and flour. Knead it all carefully and let dough raise in min. ½ hour. Then pour the dough out on the table with a little flo

Lunch Pepper Salt Vicki s. Green ...

Heat the Pan up. Cut the tenderloin into thin slices and fry them by direct heat on the forehead. Taken from the Pan and keep warm. Whip the eggs with the milk and add salt and pepper to taste. Came the egg mixture to the Pan and let it congeal slightly. The

Cakes Eggs Bicarbonate of soda Oil margarine ...

All the dry ingredients are mixed in a mixing bowl. All the wet ingredients together and pour over there quickly stir dry. The two things be folded together into a uniform dough. Bake in muffin tins at 150 degrees in the hot air or 170 g in alm oven Approx

Lunch Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Stir the yeast into the warm milk. Add the other ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. Let raise covered for about 30 min. Part dough into 2 pieces. Roll the pieces out, and favor the filling on them. Roll out dough about stuffing for two Roulades, an

Cakes in form Skimmed milk Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar whipped good diocese with a hand mixer. The remaining ingredients except bananas and squash stir in coarsely and mash the bananas squashen. tear completely. Add the squashen and turn the first banana bog in eventually. The b

Mains Nutmeg Paprika Pepper ...

Put a little bit of water and boullionterningen in a pan, let the cube dissolve and put then onion and minced meat in sautéed map in boullionen. Spices and garlic added. Then add the mushrooms and spinach. Then add a little water and let simmer for 10 minutes