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Recipes with Skimmed milk

Mains Salt Eggs Skimmed milk ...

Wheat flour, corn flour and salt are mixed together. Milk and eggs are added. Melt margerinen and pour it in the dough. Fry the pancakes.

Mains Pepper Salt Skimmed milk ...

mix sausages and vegetables together and got it in a heat-proof dish and place the cooked pasta on top. Whisk eggs and skim milk yogurth and salt and pepper together and pour it out of the mixture. set the dish in a warm oven and behind the right at 200 degree

Cakes Cream Cardamom, ground Water ...

Warm water and milk in a small saucepan, pour it into a bowl and udrør the yeast in it. Add the other ingredients (keep a little flour back) and knead the dough well Let dough raise approximately ½ hour, uncovered in the meanwhile prepare the cream cake. Cr

Desserts (cold) Floating sweet Whole almond Rod vanilla ...

The rice is cooked up with water. Add the milk and porridge is boiling for half an hour on a low heat. Vanillekornene mixed into the hot porridge, to cool before it is stirred well with fromage frais. Add the almonds and season with liquid sweet. Tips:

Desserts (cold) Floating sweet Whole almond Rod vanilla ...

The rice is cooked up with water. Add the milk and porridge is boiling for half an hour on a low heat. Vanillekornene mixed into the hot porridge, to cool before it is stirred well with fromage frais. Add the almonds and season with liquid sweet. Tips:

Candy Skimmed milk Butter Acacia honey ...

Cocoa, powdered sugar and oatmeal mix. Butter, honey and skim milk is stirred in. chocolate (like over 50%) melted over low heat and Add. The whole thing is mixed well with the hands and rolled in coconut flakes. The Bullets made cold and stored in a plastikbo

Mains Curry, strong Meatballs Pepper ...

Meatballs: mix together oatmeal, flour and spices together in a bowl. Stir the liquid, chopped onion and egg in. Mix it well. Add stuffing and stir well. Forcemeat must be so fast that it can be shaped into buns. Bring the salt water to a boil in a wide sau

Drinks (warm) Cocoa Butter Sugar ...

First melt the butter in a small saucepan, after it comes you cocoa into the Pan and stir well REMEMBER in butter pour the milk into the Pan and continue to stir around. After the then season to taste with sugar and pour it into two glasses/mugs.