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Recipes with Rome

Cakes Glaze Almond pulp Ginger ...

Stir in eggs and sugar foamy. Turn the flour in with the spices and the chopped nuts and dates. Form the dough into balls about 2 cm. in diameter. Set of 3 balls and 3 on a greased plate. Press them lightly together. Behind the cakes in a hot oven at 200 de

Cookies Frying oil Salt Cinnamon ...

Knead flour, water, eggs, rum, salt, and sugar together into a glossy dough. Roll it out and cut it in thin strips at 5 x 15 cm. with a knife. Cut a hole in the middle of each strip and pull one end through the hole and regular Angel wings. You can also cut th

Cookies Lemon juice Rome Eggs ...

Mal nuts through almond grinding mill. Stir them with sugar and eggs and knead it together into a dough, which must rest 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Roll out dough into ½ cm. thickness, use icing instead of flour to roll out. Cut the dough into strips w

Cookies Eggs Water Icing ...

Dough: break up the butter into the flour. Make a recess in the middle and beat the egg out. Sprinkle sugar over. Knead the dough together quickly. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll out dough udi ½ cm thickness and plug the cakes out with

Cakes Salt Vanilla sugar Milk ...

Chicken raisins and let them soak overnight in Rome. Chop the Seville oranges should and sukat fine. Dissolve the yeast in the warm milk. Add sugar, salt, flour, butter and they popped, ground almonds. Knead the dough until it is smooth. Turn the raisins an

Cakes in form Sveskemos of ca. 500 g prunes Rod vanilla Wheat flour ...

Flour and half of the butter, water and rum mixed to a smooth mass. Let the dough rest cold ½ hour. Then roll it out and put the rest of the butter in thin slices (use possibly a cheese slicer to cut the butter out with). Fold the dough together and roll it ou

Candy Candied violets Almond splitter Silver vermicelli ...

Put the yolks to soak in rum overnight. Roll marcipanen off and plug it out with a liqueur glass. Place a yolk on half of the pieces and close the remaining. Squeeze marcipanen well together all the way around the edge. Melt the chocolate and brush each marzip

Candy Rome Icing sugar Raisins ...

Grate almond splitterne on a frying pan. Knead Rome in marcipanen. Roll it into a sausage, cut into thin slices. Put raisins in the middle of marzipan pieces and press them firmly. Melt the chocolate and dip one end of the Raisin in chocolate buttons. Decorate