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Recipes with Rhubarb

Cakes in form Melted cooled butter Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Rinse the rhubarb and cut them into small pieces. Put them in a frying pan, sprinkle sugar on them and let stand with lid for softly to sleep for 15 minutes. Turn around a bit. Dough: stir the eggs, sugar and vanilla into a fluffy cream. SI sheeting from rh

Desserts (cold) Sugar Corn flour cornstarch Pure raw marzipan ...

Clean the rhubarb and cut them into thin strips. Turn over the rhubarb, sugar and corn flour together in a bowl. It came in a tærtefad. Behind the rhubarb 20 minutes in a 175 degree C. alm. oven. Take the dish out of the oven. Grate the ODENSE pure ra

Pickling Rhubarb -moulded scoops red melatin Oranges ...

Rhubarb stalks are washed, sliced, if they are thick, and chop finely. Added layered with sugar in a saucepan. The oranges shared and the juice is squeezed out. As much as possible of the white removed, after which shells cut in strips, chop very fine and mix

Cakes in form Salt Sugar Walnut kernels ...

Dough: soft butter, sugar, and salt stirred together vanillie and Add egg yolks. Flour and baking powder sifted together and place in the mass, alternating with the milk. Rhubarb meringue: wash the Rhubarb and cut into small pieces (a) 2-3 cm. Then added th

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon pickled rhubarb Panna cotta Lemon grated to thereof ...

Panna cotta: Isinglass soaked in plenty of water. Cream and sugar boiled up along with the vanilla and lemon zest, pour into a bowl. Stir the gelatine in it, while the mixture is still warm. Filled into molds and cooled for the day after. When fromagen to be o

Desserts (cold) Rod vanilla Macaroons Pasteurized egg yolks ...

Cut the rhubarb into smaller pieces and cook them with sugar and vanilla until tender. If it is very thick, add a few tablespoons. water. Let it cool off. Beat the egg yolks with powdered sugar and whip Cream fine to foam and turn it into egg mixture. Hug makr

Sides Dill, fresh White wine vinegar Cucumber ...

Peel a cucumber and cut it into thick slices. Do the same with 2-3 stalks rhubarb. Both cured (1 tblsp. salt) and sukkeres (1 tbls. Brown cane sugar). Let it rest for about 15 min. and twisting it free of water. Boil 2 cups of water and 1 dl sugar cane up,

Sides Salt Sweetener Pepper ...

Rhubarb stems cut into thin slices as the cucumber salad, sprinkled with salt. The sweetener dissolves in the lemon juice, pour into a glass with screw cap or a blubber refinery atamon washed glass sprinkle rhubarb with pepper and add to the glass. Used instea