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Recipes with Rhubarb

Cakes in form Eggs Mango Milk ...

Whip eggs and sugar for easy egg mass. Stir in butter in under the whipping. Whisk the milk into the mass. Mix the baking soda into flour and term it in the batter, stirring. Cut the rhubarb into slices of 1 cm's length and turn it in the mass together with

Desserts (patisserie) Baking soda Macaroons Sugar ...

Pie bottoms: turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Whisk eggs and sugar together, then it becomes light and fluffy. Mix the flour and baking powder, and term it in the batter with a strainer. Turn the dough gently with a spatula. Butter a springform (a

Sauces Fish broth Corn starch Honey or sugar ...

Cut the rhubarb into 1 cm length. Boil them with Apple juice, honey and fish bouillonterning. Sieve the liquid when the rhubarb is cooked out. Udrør cornstarch in cold water, it came in the sauce, stirring, and cook the sauce through. Serve the sauce warm.

Soups Icing sugar Sugar Rod vanilla ...

Rhubarb consomme: wash the Rhubarb and cut into coarse pieces. Add sugar and boil in water, the water should just cover. The amount of sugar depends on how tangy rhubarb is. Rhubarb boil until tender. The soup tasted to, passed through etamin and made on ice.

Cakes in form Potato flour Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Rhubarb stalks cut into thin slices and mix with sugar, potato flour and vanilla sugar. Pour into a greased casserole dish. The dough together and break into pieces of flour, sugar and softened butter, sprinkled over the rhubarb. Bake in the middle of th

Cakes in form Margarine Salt Walnut kernels ...

Stir margarine creamed with sugar, vanilla, salt and egg yolks. Mix the flour with the baking soda and stir in butter bit by bit the cream together with the milk. Butter the mold and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour the dough into the mold and smooth with a spa

Sauces Fish bouillonterning Corn starch Honey or sugar ...

Cut the rhubarb into 1 cm length. Boil them with Apple juice, honey and fish bouillonterning. Term gravy when the rhubarb is cooked out. Udrør cornstarch in cold water, it came in the sieved sauce, stirring, and cook the sauce through. Serve the sauce warm.

Cakes in form Egg white Vanilla sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Desiccated coconut, flour, sugar, baking powder, vaniliesukker, eggs and egg whites stirred together into a dough. Rhubarb is cleaned and chop into smaller pieces. Rhubarb pieces mixed into the dough. The dough will be honored in a small baking pan 30 x 45 cm.