Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Mains Finely grated to be from the same lemon Cream Freshly ground pepper ...

Go for the fillets after bones and skins. Rinse under running water and wipe with a roll of paper. Sprinkle with coarse salt and place them in the fridge for 1 hour. Scrape the excess salt and put the fish fillets in a greased ovenproof dish. Squeeze whi

Mains Serve with cooked potatoes tossed in the Pan in a little butter Whipped cream Mustard ...

Mix the meat with salt and pepper, add garlic and cumin sauce. Let the dad stand for 15 minutes and shape the dad to 8 steaks and roll 1 piece of bacon around. Step the steaks 3-4 min on each side. Clean the mushrooms and chop them in coarse pieces, grate the

Mains Tomato salad Filonebrød Fresh basil ...

Shake bacon and take it out of the pan. Low meat sauce of other ingredients except bean sprouts, they will not come until after the sauce is finished. Cut the top of the bread and pour it, put the filling in and put the top on top. Place in the oven at 200 gr

Mains A good handful of Parmesan cheese Pepper Salt ...

Bacon / pancheta cut into smaller slices of about 3-4 cm and fry brightly on a dry non-stick pan. Cook the pasta as directed. Meanwhile, eggs, cream, garlic and parmesan cheese are brought to a large bowl with some salt and pepper, stirring it together.

Sides Lemon juice Parsley Salt ...

The eggplant is spun with a fork and baked in an oven at 200 g for 30-40 minutes. Cool slightly, flak and flatter the meat with a spoon. Mash the meat with a fork and stir with tahin and oil for a coarse purée. Season with lemon juice, garlic and a little salt

Lunch Pepper Salt Pressed garlic ...

Sauter the pears in 1 tablespoon olive oil at medium heat approx. 8 min. Add squash and garlic and sauté for another 10 min. Bring the mixture into a bowl and let it cool off. Add salt, pepper, egg and cheese. Heat the rest of the oil into a pan, pour the egg

Salads Pepper Salt Chopped red onion ...

The beans are soaked (overnight) and cooked according to instructions on package. After boiling water is poured off and drips off. Fry the mushrooms on a hot frying pan. At the moment the liquid from the mushrooms has disappeared, add the vinegar. When the mus

Mains Oil for frying Santa maria gril kdydderi (all round) Santa maria Curry ...

Brown chicken pieces in oil and about 2 tablespoons. gril ksydderi in ca. 4-5 my by strong heat take chicken pieces up and place them on a plate. com if necessary. a little more oil in Woken and add about 2 tablespoons of curry-ginger approximately 1 tablespo