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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Emmenthal. 45 + ...

Gold roots and celery are torn, the pears are cut into slices. Sprinkle the vegetables in the oil without burning and seasoning with salt and pepper. Egg mass: Eggs are made with whipped cream, corn flour and 50 g of cracked emmentals. Season with salt.

Sauces 0.5 dl. whipping cream Pepper Salt ...

Melt the butter. Sprinkle the flour in and behind golden in the pan while stirring. Sprinkle with boil while whipping and let the sauce boil 3-5 minutes with mild heat with continued stirring. Add if necessary. Cream and flavor to. Add cream or milk. Season

Sauces Pepper Grated horseradish Salt ...

Melt the butter and stir the flour. Spread the soup and the cream. Season with salt and pepper and fried horseradish. Good for beef beef from beef soup. tips: Horseradish is very strong and remember to add it just before serving, otherwise it will lose

Salads Lemon both Pepper Lettuce leaves ...

Share the potatoes in suitable pieces. Mix salt, pepper, vinegar, yoghurt and mustard in a bowl, add chopped dill and parsley. Turn the potatoes and half of the shrimp into the dressing. Pour and chop the boiled egg and sprinkle it over, along with the rest

Salads Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes in boiling low salt water until they are just tender. Half the radishes. Stir the mayonnaise with a little lemon juice and peas. Season with salt and pepper. Turn the salad together and serve with good bread.

Salads Lemon juice Olive oil Pepper ...

The cold boiled potatoes are cut into thin slices. Red-cut chopped finely or cut into thin slices. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon and add olive oil. The ingredients are gently rotated and the salad should be pulled before serving.

Salads Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Wash the potatoes and cook them with peel on. Arrow them, but they are hot and cut them in medium sized cubes or slicks when they are completely cold. Sprinkle with salt and plenty of pepper. Stir mustard sauce and cream fry together in a large bowl and gen

Salads Fresh oregano Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are boiled. When they are cold, they are cut into big terns. The beans boil until they are tender. Tomatoes and red onions are cut into slices. It all blends with olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and oregano.