Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Salads Bread Pepper Salt ...

Boil the pasta and cool it. Dip the peas, cut the spring onion and halve the tomatoes. Cut salads roughly. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. dressing: For dressing stir mayonnaise with thickened milk, mustard, lemon juice and chopped onions. Season wit

Salads Pepper Salt Fresh green asparagus ...

Cook the vegetables separately in as small amounts of water as possible - remember some salt in the water - and cook them a bit in the lower edge of what they need. Drain the water and rinse them immediately in cold water. Cut asparagus and beans into smaller

Salads Pepper Parsley-oregano and Mint sprigs Salt ...

Bring a saucepan that is ¾ filled with water in boil and cook the screws approx. 12-15 or follow the instructions on the package. Drip and pour into bowl. Immediately mix with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Cool and refrigerate. Bring a ¾-filled pan into boil,

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The dough was kneaded together for a smooth dough. It is placed in the refrigerator for approx. 30 mMin. The dough is rolled out on a table top with a little flour. A pie shape (about 25 cm in diameter) is lubricated and the dough comes into the mold. The pie

Mains Pepper Wheat flour Butter ...

The dough is very easy: Chop 100 g flour with 100 g of butter and knead this together with 2 tablespoons of cold water. The dough is diverted to balls that are squeezed in lubricated aluforms or small posteys, and are left cold for 20 minutes. Or like the foll

Sides Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Just stir it all together, let it go. The bowl is a little loose - remember to spread a lot and let the meat last longer.

Dressing Pepper Salt The lemon a little grated lemon peel and juice from here ...

It is whipped together and ready for use after approx. Half an hour. Excess marinade can be stored on a refrigerator in a closed glass.

Salads Pepper Salt Oregano, dried ...

Cut the salad into strips and celery in slices. Wash and rinse the porridge thoroughly and cut it into slices. Cut the peppers into small terns. Peel the avocados and share them. Cut them into smaller terns that turn in half of lemon juice. Mix it all in a