Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Paprika

Salads Cucumber Lemon Paprika ...

Juice ¼ cucumber and lemon. Cut the rest of the cucumber into the tern and put in a bowl. Blend tahini, cucumber juice and lemon juice and peppers. Pour the dressing over the cucumbers and mix before serving.

Sides Paprika Lemon juice thereof Garlic ...

Chop mushrooms, garlic and onion. Juice the celery and mix with the juice from the lemon and the bell pepper. Allow the fungi to marinate for 1-8 hours. Blend and server.

Sides Paprika Red bell pepper Basil leaves ...

Blend everything. Keeps covered for 2 days in the refrigerator

Mains Paprika Horseradish Salt ...

Remove the leaves from the cabbage and divide it into bouquets. Boil the cauliflower in lets salted water. Pour the cabbage and place it in an ovenproof dish. For the sauce melt the fat into a saucepan and bake with flour and cauliflower to a thick sauce. A

Mains Solve rice Pepper Salt ...

Chop loose well and tear the carrot. Cut the chicken into 8 pieces and rub the chicken pieces with a little salt and pepper. Sweat Leaving weakly golden in a frying pan with the 50 g Margarine. Put the chicken pieces in the saucepan and let them take color. Tu

Mains EVS. a little lemon juice Spice as you like Paprika ...

Divide the chicken in a quarter and place the pieces in a refractory dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper and peppers and pour some water to the bottom of the dish. Stir the chicken in the oven at 200 degrees for 45 minutes. Taste the sour milk with garlic, salt a

Mains Peeled tomatoes w/moisture Paprika Salt ...

The meat is brown. The mushrooms are swirled and poured into the pan for the meat. Spices, water and tomato juice are added. The court slips for 3/4 hours. Tomatoes and cream are poured in. The dish boils through, sliced ​​and peeled. (Potato flour with water)

Mains Garlic salt Paprika Pepper ...

Rub the club with spices. Brown it on all sides in plenty of butter. Pour the broth over so the club is half covered. Step it under the lid for approx. 1 hour. Turn 3-4 times along the way. Turn off and let the club pull in the cloud for a few hours - more.