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Recipes with Oregano

Mains Parsley Salt Celery leaves ...

Cut the aubergines into small pieces. Peel the tomatoes, or use canned tomatoes and cut them into four parts. The cleaned mushrooms cut into slices at æggedeleren. Frøstol and cores taken from the green pepper, cut into strips. Mix everything in a bowl with

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Oregano Thyme ...

In a saucepan, Brown the meat first on fat edge, so some of the fat melts off, and then on the other pages. Salt and pepper are added. The onions peeled and added along with garlic, spices, salt and tomatoes. Roast, covered, in småkoger 1 1/2-2 hours, the m

Mains Barbequekrydderi Oregano Pepper ...

All of the ingredients except the cheese mix together and stir with a whipping for a father. The steaks are shaped and fried on a frying pan till they become Brown, after which they will be put in an ovenproof dish. The cheese is distributed over the steaks, a

Mains Barbequekrydderi Oregano Pepper ...

All of the ingredients except the cheese mix together and stir with a whipping for a father. The steaks are shaped and fried on a frying pan till they become Brown, after which they will be put in an ovenproof dish. The cheese is distributed over the steaks, a

Mains Basil A little cream Oregano ...

Chop the onions, and sauté/Brown along with mushrooms and meat in the bottom of a pan. Bouillon cube is stirred into a cup of warm water. The peeled tomatoes and the water with the bouillon cube udrørte put in the pot. Garlic peeled and pressed, and place in t

Mains Pepper Beef broth Oregano ...

Brown meat in butter and so all the pieces as possible. In this mix Quark, spices, tomatoes and the frozen vegetables and broth. A total of småkoges in 10 minutes. The twisted pasta mixed in and the right season.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Cooked red beans Rice ...

Meat trimmed of fat and cut into tærn. White onion Sauté lightly, then accepted the onion in and finally Brown in Cook and some gruel is an hour or so. So mixed the spices with the flour and Add. Cook until meat begins to unravel. Serve with warm red bea

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Lemon juice thereof ...

4 saté or barbecue skewer, if you use satéspid then put them in the water a few hours before you need them. This avoids that they burn. Start by making a layer of olive oil, the chopped parsley, lemon juice, the pressed garlic cloves, oregano, salt and pepp