Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the chops in flour, brune and arrange in a ovenproof dish. Onions and bacon cut into cubes are switched. Peppers, tomato sauce, cream and water are added. The sauce is boiled and cooked, peeled and poured over. Cooking time approx. 30 minutes at 180

Mains Wheat flour Curry Oil & butter ...

The chops are spread into the flour, added curry, salt and pepper and brune in equal parts of butter and oil. They are then placed in a refractory dish. Dry if necessary. Some salt and pepper over. The onions are peeled and chopped well. Bacon is spiced in

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Stir the chops about 3 minutes on each side of the fat, sprinkle the paprika over, season with salt and pepper and put the chops in a greased oven dish. Put apple boats and ring of greenberries over the meat and cover with the cheese. Stir the potato sli

Mains Wheat flour A little wheat flour Salt ...

The schnitzels are easily knocked and turned into egg whites, then in flour and nuts. Stir in butter on the forehead. The sauce: The loaf is chopped well and sautéed easily in butter. The porridge is cut into the rings and added. Sprinkle with flour and ba

Mains Pepper Cheasy sour cream Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

Cut the turkey cheeses into small pieces. Step them on the forehead. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices: The pluck is peeled and cut into thin boats. The mushrooms are cleansed and cut into quarters. Carrots and onion are exchanged in oil. Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Put the kalkun cheeses in butter approx. 2 min. on every side. Season them with salt and put them in a refractory dish. The onions are chopped and swirled in the oil on the forehead without browning. A good tablespoon curry is poured in and swapped with a l

Mains White pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Sprinkle the Schnitzler with about half of the lemon juice and sprinkle them with a little salt and pepper. Let them stand and pull while cooking the mushroom mixture. Set the oven to 225 degrees. Remove the root disc on the sponges, rinse them briefly u

Mains Pepper Pepper. White Salt ...

Lemon Sauce: Rinse and chop the parsley. Whip egg yolks, lemon juice and maizena together. Add the hot broth while whipping. Heat the sauce slowly under low heat and still whipping. It must not boil, so it separates. Add the chopped parsley, season with salt