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Recipes with Onion

Mains Oil for brushing Semi-skimmed milk Pepper ...

Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Scrub the potatoes clean and dry them. Put holes in the shell with a fork, brush the shell lightly with oil and put the potatoes on a grate. Pour them in the oven until they are tender, about 1½ hours. Make the fill in a w

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut for 1 cm. Thick slices. Boil in salted water 10 min. And spread into a greased ovenproof dish. The hamburger rye is cut into cubes and sprinkled over. The onions are chopped and swirled in the butter. Mushrooms are quartz

Mains Dressing Yellow potato salad Marinade ...

Mix the marinade in a saucepan and cook with stirring 8-10 minutes. Pour it into a bowl and cool it completely. Put the meat in and marinate it for a minimum of 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Turn the meat once. Cut the pilled potatoes into slices and mix

Mains A bit of whole pepper Bay leaves in gauze Thyme ...

The Savoy Cabbage is flaked and blanched in boiling water with salt and then drained. Onions cut into slices are sautéed in the lard that it gets color. The chop chops are heavily browned on an almost dry forehead. In a frying pan / lamb, add a layer of ca

Mains A little sugar Small Tin of concentrated tomato Thyme sprigs ...

The batter is melted in a large thickened pot. When it sips, you will bring the chopped onion, then add the chopped chopped cutlets. Leave it brown. Add whole garlic, carrots and celery cut into the tern. Heel a half beer in. Sprinkle well with Edelsüss paprik

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Dip the chops and wipe them for 2 minutes on each side in half of the butter Put each cutie on a piece of aluminum oil. Cut the onions and mushrooms into slices and season them in the right of the butter. Distribute onion and mushrooms over the meat. Cut the

Mains Pepper Onion Corn starch ...

The chops are browned in oil and taken up. The lid is chopped and switched. Garlic and tomatoes are added. Corn starch is stirred in a little water and added. Meat, finely chopped mushrooms and wine are added. Potatoes in small cubes added. Olives added. Twist

Mains Freshly ground pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Bank the cutlets with hand-root if they are thicker than 1.5 cm. Stir the marinade together and let the chops marinate here until the roots are almost finished, approx. 1 hour. Peel all the vegetables and cut them into 2 x 2 cm cubes. Bring them into an ove