Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Dumplings (ready-made) Salt ALK (or tern or a small duck) ...

A bird-it can be a penguin, a tern or a small and boil for an hour with a few onions, a few potatoes and salt. The bird in the cutting and eaten with the fingers. The soup is eaten. You can smooth the soup a bit, or leave it. You can eat dumplings, wh

Mains Lemon juice thereof White wine Carrots ...

Sauté the onions in half oil/butter. The fish is cut into cubes and add along with the prawns. FRY for about 3 minutes. White wine, lemon juice and fintsnittet carrots added. Some gruel is in about 5 minutes. Cream is added with spices. Season with salt and pe

Mains Pepper Salt , round grain milled ...

The fault of the flesh and set it into the boiling water, boil up and lightly, add salt, and onion, let the soup Cook, round grain milled slowly for meat is tender. Season with salt and pepper. Tips: The recipe can also be made on: Whale, birds, sheep, pig

Mains Different fresh chopped vegetables Pepper Salt ...

Chopped onions and crushed garlic FRY cope in the oil at medium heat for 4 minutes without taking colour. Add the oregano, ancho chili pepper, broth and corn style and let Cook for 10. My without a lid on low heat. The tomato flesh halved, remove the cores

Soups Thyme Meat of Grouse Apple ...

Cut the breasts off and put to one side. Share the rest av the hull and thighs into small pieces. Brown it in fat. Peel and slice the fruit and vegetables into pieces. Brown and mix everything for a while. Burn off with cognac. Add the spices and stir. Add

Mains Pepper Salt Baking soda ...

Make a pandekagedej (meljævning touched in the bowl). 2. bake the pancakes-there must be 8 small pancakes. 1. cut Bacon up into cubes and fry them without fat in a pan until they are light brown-take them up. cut the onion into cubes and fry them in bacon fat

Mains Chopped tomatoes Onion Leeks ...

Chop the onion and slice the leeks and carrots into slices. Brown the meat and onions, leeks, then came carrots, rice and chopped tomatoes in and stir. Got finaly bouillon by and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let it simmer for 20 min. serve with flute.

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme, dried ...

Cut the salmon into 4 serving pieces and sprinkle them with salt, thyme and pepper. Arrow the onions and cut them into cubes. Squashene cut into thin slices. Sauté onion and squashene 5-6 minutes in a frying pan for about half of the oil. Take the vegetable