Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Vegetables for serving, for example: carrots in the bias sliced, leek rings, potato cubes, roughly chopped parsley Whole peppercorns Some okseben ...

Put beef and leg in the pan, pour cold water and bring to a boil. Sprinkle carefully. The coarsely divided vegetables are added. Once the soup has once again boiled up again Add salt and whole peppers and cook softly under the lid for 2 - 3 hours depending on

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Boil the meat with water, salt, pepper, laurel leaf, thyme, parsley for approx. 2 hours. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in quarters. Peel potatoes and carrots and cut them into large pieces. Clean the pores and cut them into pieces. Cut the cabbage. Add the v

Mains Coarsely ground pepper Salt Tværreb-carved as the short ribs ...

Cut the cabbage head in both, which again split across and remove the stick. Bring the cabbage into boiling water and let it get a boil. Poured into a door layer for draining. The pinned onions are cut into coarse tern. The apples are peeled and the core housi

Cold cuts Parsley Salt Thyme ...

Walnuts and oatmeal are blended in the food processor. Then add onion and the other spices. The broth and yeast extract are dissolved in the hot water. The water is added slightly at a time. Gluten comes to last while the food processor is still running. This

Mains Butter Bacon, diced Cocktail sausages ...

Form the steaks and brown them on the forehead. Bacon, onions and mushrooms are roasted. Put each steak on a large piece of staniol and put onion, bacon mushrooms and cocktail sausages over. Gather the stannol in a knot at the top so that the liquid can

Cold cuts Mortadella spice blend Ham pickle Water ...

The soured veal is chopped with the onions through 3 mm. Wafer on the wolf and then beaten out in the hot pot with the potato meal, which has previously been touched with some of the dishes. Then the veal meat is continued with the meat color, the dairy milk,

Sides A little bit of parsley A little chopped parsley over tomato sauce Pepper ...

Mix all the ingredients of the farmer thoroughly and let the father rest for an hour in the fridge. Then the batman's dishes were poured into half oil and half butter. Chop 4-6 large tomatoes, one onion and a little parsley. Stir in a little oil on the fore

Sides Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Parsnips, beetroot and carrots are rubbed fine and the tissues are very comfortable. Eggs added. The milk is heated. The broths dissolve in the milk. Garlic peeled in. Garlic pressed in. Salt and pepper and flour are added. Stir well around so it is completely