Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the inner thigh and rub it with coarse salt, pepper and curry. The apples are peeled, cut and cut into smaller pieces and put into a pan with water and onions cut into smaller boats. Put the inner thigh on it and put it all in the oven approx. 2 hour

Bread, buns & biscuits Dried Basil Herbal salt Honey ...

Blend all vegetables well. Stir oil, water and honey together and warm the mixture gently. Dissolve yeast. Stir the vegetable cheese together with the coarse melt types. Eat the wheat flour for a little while. Eat the dough until it is smooth. Leave it raised

Mains Bouillon to svitsning Paprika Pepper ...

Cut onion and squash into thin slices and sweat both pieces into broth without coloring. Add liver strips (which are watered in cold water for about 10 minutes.) And stir well until lightly fried. Sprinkle the spices and flour over the dish, stir well for a

Mains Rye bread in slices Pickled beetroot Chopped parsley or chives ...

The meat is cut into very small cubes. The onions are chopped roughly. Put the meat in a pot and cover with water and bring to a boil. Rinse the water thoroughly and rinse thoroughly under running water. Meat, onions and water are placed in a saucepan, w

Mains Dill, fresh White wine. dry Bay leaves ...

Boil the cod approx. 8 min in low salt water. When the potatoes are cooked, they are peeled and cut into slices. The potato slices are placed in a pipe bowl. While the potatoes boil, fry the onion slices, squeezed garlic and bay leaf on a pan in butter u

Soups Bouillon cube, ox Onion Spring onions ...

Onions and chili chopped, the spring bulbs are cleaned and cut into slices, after which it is sautéed in a saucepan with a little fat. Cream and water are added and the broth is collected. Boil on low heat for approx. 20 minutes.

Mains Fresh parsley Corn flour mixture Thyme ...

Onions and mushrooms are chopped well. Timian and a little finely chopped parsley are mixed in and swirled on the forehead. Place the filling on the beef slices and brown on the forehead. The potatoes are boiled and pilled. Calf Fung Mix: (1/2 dl conc

Appetizers A little fresh Chervil Pepper Salt ...

Brown the herbs, add tomato paste, broth, water and herbs. Let it simmer for 1½ hours. Sift and taste with salt and pepper. The calf leather threads are blended and run cool with salt. Add egg white and cream and add a smooth texture. Put the dad on the fri