Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Olive oil Salt Little ds tomato pasta ...

Put the beans in soft overnight, add if necessary. Extra water. The beans are rinsed and boiled for 15 minutes. - this boiling water is thrown out. Put the finely sliced ​​onion in oil, add the pre-cooked beans and water so the beans are covered - boil for

Soups EVS. 2 teaspoons concentrated tomato puree EVS. from ds Paprika ...

Let the kidney beans drip into a sieve. Make all the vegetables and cut them into smaller pieces. Stir the vegetables for a few minutes in a little of the bouillon / water. Add the rest of the liquid with the bay leaf. Bring the soup into the boil and let it b

Mains Salt Chilli, crushed Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Shake the meat on a dry slip-light pan. Arrow the onions, chop them nicely and turn them into the meat. Add tomatoes and cook it through. Let it simmer 5 min. Add the two kinds of beans, tomato sauce and chilli powder. Boil the dish and season with salt

Mains Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

Divide the cabbage in the middle, remove the stick and cut the cabbage into thin boats. Clean the vegetables and cut them into slices. Give the broth a boil in a large pot. Put the meat in and simmer for 10 minutes add the vegetables and simmer under low until

Lunch Water Onion Usprøjtet Orange ...

Peel the onion and chop in the rings, boil with vinegar, water, sugar and juniper berries. The layer is completely cooled. Cut the fillet fillets into smaller pieces, pour over with marinade, cover and pull in a refrigerator for 1 day. The marinade is poured o

Mains Chopped, fresh parsley Pepper Salt ...

The oven is preheated at 175 degrees C. The butter is melted in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the cutlets in one layer. Then chopped the chopped onion and carrots with stirring for approx. 10 minutes. When they are clear, the saucepan is set aside.

Mains Lime juice Pepper Salt ...

Marinate the chops in oil, chopped thyme, garlic and grated lemon peel, salt and pepper for approx. 1 hour time. Cut green and fruit in large pieces. Turn the remaining marinade from the meat over vegetables, season with salt and pepper. Stir the vegetables un

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Butter ...

The meat is cut into slices and knocked. The onions are peeled and cut into rings. Potatoes are peeled and cut into slices. Meat slices and onions are brightly lightened and layered with potato slices in an ovenproof dish. Salt and pepper sprinkles between