Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Salads 1 green pepper Salt at will Onion ...

All the vegetables cut into cubes and place in a bowl. There sprinkled salt on as needed. Fåreosten tearing over in a thick layer.

Mains A large handful of grated cheese such as parmesan A little bouillon powder Nutmeg ...

The fresh spinach, washed thoroughly in several teams clean water and afdryppes. The coarsest stems removed. Put the spinach leaves in a saucepan with the water, hanging by, and warm the Pan up to the water boils in the bottom. Turn the spinach with two ladle,

Mains Salt Green peppercorns White pepper ...

Chop the onion in food processor. Add the rest of ingredients except carrots. Blend it in 5-10 sec. Grate the carrots finely and mix them in the egg mixture. Pour in a greased glass mass randform, which contains 1 1/4 litres and cover form. Mikrobølg first at

Mains Lemon both Dill Pepper ...

Scratch horn fish and clip the fins of the fish quickly in cold water, rinse and dry them, cut them into approximately 8 cm long pieces. Filling: Arrow the onion, cut it into small cubes and sauté them cope in a bit of butter. Mix it with the chopped herbs

Mains Olive oil Red pepper Onion ...

The bread lightly on both sides grilled over a charcoal grill, and then cut into small squares. Broke the dice placed on a preheated plate. Melt butter and pour over bread dice. Mix well around and style the bread aside. Cut the meat out in not too large sq

Mains Fromage frais Chili-tomatoes Ground beef (10% fat) ...

Fry the onions in 2 tsp. oil in a hot pan. Pour a splash of water on and rose so the beef with onions. Season with salt, pepper and garlic. Pour the frying pandens content in an ovenproof dish. Clean and cut leeks into rings, and wide them out of kødbunden. Fr

Mains Tarragon Pasta Chives ...

Rinse and dry the plaice fillets. Stir the butter with salt, tarragon, dill and chives. Favor butter mixture on the fillets and roll them together. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mushrooms into slices. Sauté the vegetables

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

Plaice fillets are cleaned and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Onion peeled and chopped fine. Carrot peeled and grated fine. Rinse and chop the parsley fine. Onion, carrot and parsley mix and spread over fillets. The fillets rolled and held together with to