Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Hønsebullion Milk and/or cream Pepper ...

Cut all the vegetables in coarse pieces. Brown them in the bottom of a pot until they have got color. Add the curry powder and let it burn. Add water to the vegetables are covered and let the buldrerkoge to all the vegetables are completely tender. Blend the

Mains Oblong burger bun or flut Cheddar cheese Butter/oil for frying ...

cut the onion in half. knead the beef in the hands a few minutes. Bank it flat (5-7 mm) and shape it after the bread roll. Brown a little butter/oil in a frying pan and fry the steak, about 3 minutes on each side. season with salt and pepper Fry the baco

Mains Bacon, diced Chicken into strips Paprika ...

Put the water on to boil and the pasta. Brown chicken in oil in a pan, add the bacon and onion. tilderefter tomato purré and stir well. Add the mushrooms, then slowly add the cream and cocktail sausages then paprika and let boil up; season with Salt and pep

Mains White pepper Salt Saffron ...

Stir the Saffron in the white wine and let it soak. Arrow the prawns. Fry the prawns in the oil until they are nearly finished and pull them off the forehead and squeeze half a lime over them. Chop the onion and garlic finely and saute them for the onion

Sauces Smoothed over with corn flour The marinade from paprika strips Pepper ...

The onion chopped and fried golden in a pan. Væden from paprikaen poured from and saved to the last. strips FRY further along with the onions for 5 mins. tarragon, ketchup, sugar, and add marinade and some gruel is on a low heat for five minutes Add the cr

Soups Hønseboullion Semi-skimmed milk Pepper ...

Clean the mushrooms. Cut the filthy mess and blame them clean under cold water. Dry them carefully with paper towel. Chop the onion and squeeze the garlic fattened. Melt the butter in a sautepande or in a pan. Saute the onion, garlic and mushrooms in it.

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices and finely chop the onion finely. Slice the chicken fillets into cubes. Brown karryen of in a good dollop of margerine and add the chicken, and apologise for, Brown and then add the lies and rose to the onions ar

Sides Garlic powder Bacon Small bunch parsley ...

It washes and orders his potatoes before you put them in the oven. Then FRY once its onions Golden and then his bacon crisp, put both on a napkin. So we nicked his parsley finely, mix fried onions, bacon, parsley and garlic powder. Made on ice and used in t