Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Appetizers Skinned tomatoes Onion Corn ...

Brown fad and onions in a saucepan until it is roughly brown. Add water and the peeled tomatoes. Leave it to stand and simmer for a 15min time, and blame beans and corn, leave it to simmer for another 10min time and taste it with chilli and salt. Enjoy :).

Mains Margarine or butter for frying Pepper Salt ...

1. Crush the junk berries (you can also use ready-bought crushed juniper, then use 1/2 teaspoon). 2. Chop the loaf coarsely and sweeten it in the grease together with meat until the meat has stained on all sides. 3. Add juniper berries, water and broth a

Mains Pack sausages Torn us Garlic ...

First, cut out the sausages and cut the loaf, then fry the sausages and pull together when they have the fine brown color, you will have the cooking flow and let it smash for 1-2 minutes. The garlic is squeezed into the food, as well as the 2 large spoons of

Mains Gratinerings cheese Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and chop them in 4 pieces and cook them in lightly salted water for 8 minutes. Remove them from the heat and let them finish without boiling anymore. Clean the mushroom and cut them into slices. Chop onion, green pepper, ham and tomatoes (w

Mains Div spices HP sauce (can unværes) Red wine (like a strong one) ...

Brown the three onions in a pot of oil or magerine. After that, add the beef to brown. When both things are browned add the bouillon ion dissolved in water and add the tomato puree to the sauce. Carrots and garlic chopped and add to the sauce. Then ad

Sauces Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Mix all the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper and lemon juice

Mains And at about 3 kg EVS. 1 soup may Coarse salt ...

Rinse another thoroughly and wipe it off. Then rub the other inside and out with salt and pepper. Fill another with apples and prunes and close with a meatpin. Place another with the chest down in the pan and pour water. There must be about ½ cm of water in

Mains Semi-skimmed milk Onion Nutmeg, freshly grated ...

Cut out the lasagna plates to fit 2 layers in a lasagne dish. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Chop onion and garlic nicely. Heat the oil in a pan and brown the onions for a few minutes. Add frozen spinach and steam under low until spinach is thawed. Season wi