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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Grated cheddar cheese-grated Cooked rice-Jasmine iris Allspice ...

Heat the oven up to 250 degrees. The aubergines are cut into thin slices, sprinkle with salt on both sides and stand for approx. 20 minutes. Afterwards the salt is rinsed, the aubergines are dried with paper and put into one layer on a baking sheet (poss

Sides Chopped flat-leaf parsley The juice of a lemon Salt ...

Scrub the aubergines and put them in a very hot oven or on the grill until they look black and the meat is soft when you press your finger easily. When the aubergines are cooled, peel off the skin and put the meat in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add the whippe

Soups Garlic A little chopped parsley or fennel to sprinkle Salt ...

The lentils are rinsed and boiled in water for approx. ½ hour. The oil is heated in a pan in which onions and garlic are prepared. Add the chopped leaves, potatoes in the tern, lemon juice and the boiled lentils + water. Boil for approx. 15 min. Season with sa

Salads Salt Fine bulgur Yellow bell pepper, finely chopped ...

Pour a cup of boiling water over the bulge and allow to draw a bowl for 5 minutes. Stir tomatoes, spring onions, peppers, bulgur and herbs together in a bowl. Sprinkle well with salt, white pepper, cinnamon, bowl, lemon and oil. Serve cold with leaves of icebe

Mains Baghar (tarka) Ferula assafoetida Turmeric, ground ...

Carefully clean the red lenses. Put them in a bowl and wash them in several teams of clean water. Put them soft for approx. 15 min., And let them drip into a sieve. Bring the drained lentils in a heavy pot together with spinach and water. Bring them to the

Mains Oil for frying or boiling water Mint Ground allspice ...

Pour boiling water over the bulge and leave for 5 minutes. Drip into the door layer. Get as much water as possible. Wide out on the kitchen roll to absorb the moisture. Mix bulgur, lamb, onions, flour and almonds into a fine pasta in a blender or food proce

Mains Zest of 1/4 organic Lemon Grilled Pita bread Pepper ...

Put the thawed lamb chops in a marinade of oregano, thyme, cumin, cinnamon and olive oil, and let them draw at least 1 hour in the refrigerator. Boil bulgur in vegetable broth approx. 12 minutes for low heat and under low temperature. Half the peppers, r

Sides Fresh, planed parmesan Olive oil Garlic ...

Cut the crust from the bread slices and cut them into 11/2 cm of tern. Heat a pan and shake the bread golden while adding 1-11 / 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add at the end of 1 fat pressed garlic. Let the croutons cool off on a few layers of kitchen roll.