Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Soups Basil Chili spice Cream ...

Cut the turkey chicken into cubes. Arrow and chop peeled, peel the garlic cloves and cut into thin slices. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Season onions, meat and potato cubes in olive oil in a saucepan. Crush the bay leaves and add whole b

Mains Curry Comments Mild paprika ...

Chop the cabbage leaves and cook them lightly. Heat the oil on a pan and brown stew. Mix the garlic and onion and boil for approx. 5 min. Season with salt, pepper, curry, mild peppers and fried nutmeg. Add the water and ½ broth and bring it lightly into the

Mains Freshly ground pepper Crumbled thyme leaves Strong cold coffee (espresso) ...

Clean the tenderloin and cut them into 6 slices obliquely. Bank the slices flat with your hand. Stir the other ingredients together into a marinade and turn the darkness into it. Let them pull in my fridge. 30 minutes. Cut the potatoes into smaller piece

Mains Orange both by 2 appelsinner A little fresh thyme A little oil ...

Cut the bread in 4 pieces and cut a cut in the middle of each, so that it can be opened. Spice the meat inside and out with salt and pepper. Heat the onions on a dry forehead. Stir the mustard together with the sliced ​​olives and let it shake lightly for 2

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Salt Little sprinkle of sugar ...

Saute the mustots in the oil, add sugar and let the bulbs caramelize (until the bulbs and sugar have a slightly brownish color. Add wine, port wine and broth and bring to boil. Add salt and pepper and whip cubes of the cold butter for a little while.

Mains Lemon juice EVS. whipping cream Pepper ...

mousse: Lightly cut into smaller pieces and blend in a food processor with basil leaves, salt and pepper. Then add egg white and cream in the order - slightly at a time, so the mousse does not separate until the mousse has a creamy consistency. Lemon Sole

Mains A little dill Pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onions and garlic cloves fine. Boil both parts in the oil on a pan. Grease an ovenproof dish with butter and put the fillets in it. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and add onions and garlic with the oil that is attached. Flake the tomatoes an

Salads Freshly ground pepper Eggplant Coarse salt ...

The eggplant is cut into slices, sprinkle with salt and simmer for 2 hours. Then wash them and dry well in kitchen paper. The eggplant slices are roasted in the oil, so they are brown on both sides. The tomatoes are cut into slices, the leaves are cut. It is a