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Recipes with Oil

Mains Pepper Salt Emmenthal. 45 + ...

Gold roots and celery are torn, the pears are cut into slices. Sprinkle the vegetables in the oil without burning and seasoning with salt and pepper. Egg mass: Eggs are made with whipped cream, corn flour and 50 g of cracked emmentals. Season with salt.

Salads Oil Onion Lactic acid fermented cucumber slices ...

The lenses are rinsed and boiled in water. Vegetable decoction for approx. 10 min. The loaf is chopped well and the tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into pieces. Mix it all together with 1 tablespoon of oil (for example, timel oil) and herb salt (eg Trocomare

Salads Boiled water Vinegar Oil ...

The marinade is mixed and the potatoes come in. Draws 1 day before serving.

Salads Parsley Lemon juice New potatoes ...

The potatoes are scrapped, rinsed and boiled tender for approx. 15 - 20 minutes. Haricot's verts are steamed for a couple of minutes. Potatoes and haricot verts are mixed in a bowl. All ingredients for the dressing are finely chopped or blended and blended

Mains Pepper Chives Oil ...

Turn the herring fillets into rye flour and put them in oil. Stir the marinade well together and pour over the herring fillets. The silk fillets may stay in marinade for several days before use, they will only get better. I would like to share the herrin

Salads Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Scrub the potatoes thoroughly and boil them with leaked water. Pour the water and allow them to steam dry before they are cooled and cut into slices. Cut the sliced ​​radishes into slices and mix them with the potatoes. Sprinkle with garlic and dill. Whip t

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Oatmeal ...

The yeast is stirred in lukewarm water. Add salt, oil, grated zucchini and oatmeal. Add wheat flour, but hold it back as it varies how much flour the dough can take. The dough is kneaded well until it is smooth and smooth. Raises on the kitchen table for about

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Stitching of beef steak fillet Turn on the oven to 250o and keep it warm. Put the steps in a greased, refractory dish that matches the size of the steps. Put the dish in the oven and brown the beef roast fillet for 10-15 minutes. Then season the steps with sa