Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Soups Red pepper or green pepper Salt Parsley ...

Onions and mushrooms chopped. Sauté the onions in the margarine in a saucepan. The meat in and fry with. Mushroom, tomatoes, broth, paprika and salt added. The Court småkoger, covered, for 10 minutes, and in the right horn Soup twirls a further 10 min. Chopped

Mains Freshly ground pepper Grated parmesan Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large saucepan or a sauté pan and fry the meat 3-4 my while stirred in the Peel the onion and celery and carrots. Onions and celery cut into thin slices and carrots cut into cubes of approx. 2 x 2 cm. Up arrow individual cloves garlic and cut

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onions and sauté them in the pan. At the same time formed the beef to some balls and press them down to desired thickness. After the onions are finished cooking the steaks at the same pan. When they are done take the of also and a dollop of mu

Mains Oil Oregano Paprika ...

Pasta cooking: put a pot three quarters full with water. Got a little oil and 1ts. salt in. screw up on the highest burner on the hob and put a lid on the pot. When the water boils, the pasta in. When water boils again, you must take time. Pasta must boil with

Mains Freshly ground pepper Ketchup Between large roughly chopped yellow onions ...

Let the butter is golden in a thick-bottomed pan and add the paprika. Let it shower by. Saute the onion and meat in butter and add ketchup, salt and pepper. Let the Court of småsnurre, covered, for about 10 min. season with salt and pepper. Pour the sauce i

Mains Basil Chilli Fresh chilli ...

Kartofflerne: pour into a baking pan, garlic crushed and place in a Meljævnersammen spices, smear with olive oil and rystets well. put them in 30-40 my ovenen. The steaks: Steaks are shaped as ordinary steaks, seasoned with salt and pepper, and Brown pg be

Mains Chopped tomatoes Onion Leeks ...

Chop the onion and slice the leeks and carrots into slices. Brown the meat and onions, leeks, then came carrots, rice and chopped tomatoes in and stir. Got finaly bouillon by and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let it simmer for 20 min. serve with flute.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Grated parmesan Salt ...

Rose oil and meat in a large pot. Onions and celery cut into thin slices. The carrots cut into cubes. Garlic cut into fine thin slices. Came the vegetables in the pot with the meat. Add the tomato puree and red wine. Stir well. The Court let simmer witho