Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the onion, minced garlic and green pepper and FRY in in my. Add minced beef and Spice mixture. When it is done, add vinegar, salt and pepper. mix all ingredients for the sauce in a foodprocesser. Crush taco shells in

Mains Pineapple salsa Salad Desiccated coconut ...

Brown meat and onion in the fat. Add the spice mix, banana and coconut flakes. Stir together and let it boil for approx. 5 min. Warm taco shells according to instructions on package. Put meat and salad in the warm taco shells and sprinkle with grated cheese an

Mains Basil Thyme Egg yolk ...

Mix and form into patties and FRY in the usual 4-6 show. Server steaks with baked potatoes with herb butter or with roast potatoes and a salad.

Mains Pepper Salt Little ds. tomato puree ...

Udrør the yeast with water, add salt, oil and flour and knead the dough together. The dough should raise 30 min. Getting oil in a pan and Brown the beef, along with the finely chopped onion. Add the tomato puree, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper. Let the sm

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato puree ...

Mix the minced meat with minced onion, Rosemary and parsley. Form the meat into patties and fry them in the fat in a frying pan. Season with salt and pepper. Take the steaks out of the frying pan and cook the pan with broth or water and tomato puree. Smooth if

Mains Jalapeno Pepper (kara bibir) Salt ...

Mix Meat, cheese, jalapeno, garlic, salt, pepper, eggs & thyme. Fry them and serve with Turkish salad and if in barbecues then you can servers Turkish barbecue Eggplant salad

Lunch Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Turn on the grill. Cut the spring onions fine. Crack the chili, remove seeds and mince the chili-meat. Stir in the sliced scallions and the finely chopped chilli up with sour cream in a bowl and season with salt. Rinse the avocados, crack them and take t

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Herbes de provence Eggs (save a little for brushing) ...

Dough: break into pieces in Butter (wheat) flour. Stir yeast and water together and add along with whole wheat flour and salt. The dough is kneaded through. Made withdrawals in a warm place, about 45 minutes. Father: Breadcrumbs soaked in cream and water. T