Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Wheat flour White pepper Oil ...

Tomato gravy: take a pot put the fresh tomatoes in conjunction with ca. 5 dl. water boil them, blend them. Add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, take the pan off. Meat sauce: take a new pan melt the margarine add onions and spices lies must be blank. Then add

Mains Basil Chili sauce Freshly ground pepper ...

Sauté onion in a pot and garlic crushed in. Beef place in and Brown. Mushrooms in .ca. 1 tsp salt and well with pepper and about 3 dl of boiled water is added. Stir and let boil for approximately half is evaporated and add a little extra water. Tomato granted.

Mains Spice as you like (URf.eks. all-round BBQ garlic paprika etc.) Suit Flour or corn flour to jævning ...

Set a pot of water to boil for the spaghetti. Meat FRY Brown in a pan in half of the butter/margarine. Spice and tomato puree is stirred together with the meat and the broth is added. Let it boil up and add the milk and the rest of the butter/margarine. It

Mains Pepper Salt Butter and olive oil ...

Thus sprinkle with cumin. Form 4 patties with 2 dice feta in the middle of each. Close well and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Fry the steaks on a hot pan in butter and oil for about 3 minutes on each side depending on how you want its steaks. Tips: Server

Mains Oil Paprika or Curry Pepper ...

Com meat, eggs, bread crumbs, salt and pepper in a bowl and stir in the forcemeat thoroughly with a ladle. Form 4/beefburgers and fry them in the pan 4 minutes on each side in roast ready margarine. Set the steaks in greased casserole dish. Put a cheese slice

Mains The dolmio pasta with extra garlic souse Onion Grated cheese ...

saute the onion and Brown køddet. Add dolmoio if necessary. a bit of oregano. Let it boil for about 5 min. Cook the rice in boiling bags. advantage then, alternating meat sauce and rice (as alm. lasange) and sprinkle grated cheese on. Bake in oven at 200 g. fo

Mains Green pepper Salt Oregano ...

Stir the yeast into warm water. Salt mixed into the Dough kneaded Flour mixed in.., after which it splits into 2 and added to raising in 45 min (very important). When the dough has raised the kneaded it a bit and then rolled out to fit a baking sheet. The d

Mains Baby corn Bamboo shoots Bean sprout ...

The small rolls: meat fried lightly, the vegetables added, finally, soy sauce, salt and pepper. FRY only very easy. the tomatoes are seared, but not rolled in the cold and hollow-out them, so you only get the extreme with, are packed into the rulledej and FRY