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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Egg yolk Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

The breadcrumbs soaked in water. The other ingredients are added and forcemeat is stirred through. Forcemeat is added in a heat-proof platter. Tomato juice touched up with soy sauce poured over. Plantemargerine touched with 2 tbsp. parsley and 1 clove garlic

Lunch (to go) Butter for frying Onion (medium size Eggs ...

cut the onions finely. The flour is mixed with the meat and mix well. egg and onion put in and it all blended well together. butter is melted on the forehead and meanwhile formed FRY approximately etkvarter on both sides. (they may not be a n

Mains Salt Curry Paprika ...

Meat and sauté the finely chopped onion in margarine picked 5 min. Herbs cleaned, rives and sauté with along with white cabbage. Boiling water, broth cubes and spices is stirred together and poured over, so meat and herbs are covered. Spiralerne sprinkled in s

Mains (made nearly as opbagt Brown gravy) Basil Lasagne sheets ...

Kødsovsen: Onions and garlic in a Pan fry in oil until something clear (preferably not brown. The meat is added in krydden to it is browned. The grated carrots, grated celeriac, the peeled tomatoes and tomatpuren added. Add the spices and season, to h

Mains Bøftomater A good tomato salsa Engels mustard ...

Kome up the minced meat in a large bowl. Sauté the onion in a little olive oil until it is soft but have not taken the color. came the onion down to meat. crush the cumin seeds and coriander seeds together with a little salt and pepper in a mortar and season

Soups Oksebullion after taste Ægnudler Onion ...

Chop the onions finely and saute them in a large pan map so they are glass style. When the onions are done then throw the beef down to them and sauté it Brown. When beef is svitset then pour water into the dish. Pour there after 2 cups tomato puree and 3-4 TSP

Mains Salt Medium-sized potatoes Origano ...

First heat the purchase and add the kryderiger you now want in. let stand and simmer on a low heat while you peel and afterwards river all the potatoes. find now a round shape like helsk must be 10-15 cm deep. Similar to føft a layer Kartofle strips at the bot

Mains Minced beef Wheat flour Madkullør ...

you make patties out of oksekøden and you are helping the flour and milk together so it can smooth the sauce 5dl water in the sauce and then taste for on and give it the last bib soven chop 3 onions and put them in sovesen and then you put them in then finishe