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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Minced beef Mozzeralla cheese Pepperoni ...

Brown the minced beef, turn on the oven 200 degrees cut the pita bread end over, butter them with tomato puree ´, came the oksekødt upstairs, then possibly chopped ham or pepperoni, and a little mozzeralla cheese. Style them in a baking-grate and they are done

Mains Solve rice Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion and sauté it in margarine in a saucepan. Add the minced beef and Brown it. Pour the chopped tomatoes by. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces and add them. cut the bell pepper into small pieces and add to by. Peel the carrots and cut

Mains Oregano Pizzatopping from svansø Salt ...

warm the milk to hand warm. Udrør yeast in salten and add eggs, stir well. Add the milk while stirring and came next, oregano in the flour in until the dough feels. getting good solid and knead it well, add more flour if necessary to the non stick more. Rol

Mains Peper Salt Vegetable bouillon cube ...

cut the onion finely and FRY in a pan. the meat came in and rose to it have divided themselves. come a little salt and peper in. Add the tomato puree and chopped tomato ´. bouillon cube came by and let Cook 15 min. peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. start

Mains 3 potatoes A little chilli Pepper ...

parsley and onion chopped finely and mix together with køddet. salt and pepper are added. "Køddejen" is distributed in a dish. Toma terme cut into slices and spread on top of the meat. The potatoes peeled off and distributed on top right. potato slices can pos

Mains Cucumbers Bacon into strips Revent cheese ...

Make an even number of patties of beef, URf.eks. 12. put some grated cheese on bi-steak and put another steak on. close them gently by the edges and place a piece of Bacon around. fry them in the pan until you are sure they are fried through. Tips: Server

Mains 1 tablespoon oil for frying Groftkværnet pepper Light sausejævner or maizina ...

Beef and onion Brown in a dry Pan (possibly, Oil) spices and tomato paste, add water and tilsætes and Court bouillion boils approx. 20 min. right levelled for the desired consistency reten season with salt pepper and garlic. Course is served with cooked spaghe

Mains Use what you have of vegetables Orengano Pepper ...

butter a casserole dish with margarine, came the sliced cabbage in the bottom, came the vegetables on top. Then kødsovsen and the sliced potatoes. put it all in the layers as a lagsange, and finally finish with bachmel sauce. You can strew a little bread crumb