Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains White pepper Salt Oregano ...

came his lasagna in boiling water with salt, and cook them for about 15 mins. then the drain in a sieve. over poured with cold water in order to avoid the sticking together. meat sauce: Saute onion and meat in butter add spices, tomato paste and broth, an

Soups Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Chop onion, garlic and bell pepper. Chili peppery split and kærnerne are removed, then chopped it (amount according to taste). MAS Juniper clean. Brown the beef in a pan with a little oil. They came chopped ingredients, spices, and canned tomatoes in balsam

Mains Chili powder Oil for frying Pepper ...

Heat oil in a pan and sauté the onions. Put the meat in the Pan and sauté it with. Turn down to medium heat and got beans, tomato and corn into the pot. Cut the peppers into cubes, finely chop jalapenos and grate the carrots. Got it all in the Pan, along with

Mains Meazina jævning Brown Rice or pasta Beef bouliongterninger ...

Sauté the meat until brown, came in and cook up came the dice tomatoes to a boil vidre to they're gone tubes at regular melrum. smooth with meazina Server Tips: serve with rice or pasta. can be frozen

Appetizers 3-4 tbsp. water Fat for baking Salt ...

Whisk all the ingredients together for a not too thick, klumpfri pancake. Let dough rest at least a 1/2 hour in the refrigerator. Pipe the dough through and baby possibly. a little more fluid in, if the dough is too thick. Melt the fat for baking. Pour a litt

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Cook makaronierne according to instructions on the bag. Saute meat, onion and garlic, season with pepper, salt and oregano. stir in tomato puree, along with the water. pour the cooked and prepared from makaronier up in a heat-proof dish, pour over tomatpure

Mains Pepper Salt Ketchup ...

Brown the meat in a saucepan. It might be a good idea to Brown it a bit at a time. Add the tomato concentrate and ketchup, stir in it and make sure it becomes well blended. hug hvidløgsfedene in the sauce and season it with salt and pepper. Cook the pasta a

Mains Other vegetables can be used if one wants it Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the bell peppers in the rods, the carrots into slices and drain majsne. Put oil in a pan and sauté until transparent. Put the meat in and let it Brown, blend the chopped tomatoes and add to the Pan, let it all simmer. put some water over to the spaghetti,