Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Green pepper, diced Yellow pepper, diced Red pepper, diced ...

Here's how: Take a saucepan and place on the stove and turn on. Pour the oil in and put a couple of corn in. Wait till they start to fry, so is the oil ready for the meat. Sauté the meat until it is completely gray, and starts to get brown. Pour the corn a

Midnight snacks Foodprocesser Slicer Pepper ...

Turn on oven to 165 degrees Chop the onion finely and drain it of moisture in a tea towel, get like as much moisture out as possible. Then pour the onions in the food processor with the rest of the ingredients. Blend there after to a very fine bunch, about

Soups Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Sauté beef in a saucepan. Chop the garlic finely and fry them with beef, without taking colour. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Cut the peppers into small cubes. Com vegetables, broth, chopped tomatoes, paprika and salt & pepper into the Pan, a

Mains Spices after own needs Pepper Salt ...

Chilli pot: melt butter, saute the chopped onion and garlic. Add the meat and fry it. Then add the minced chili pepper, beans in chili sauce, water, salt, spices. The Court boiled in low heat for approx. 10 min. Rissalat: Boil the rice in the water and

Mains Cayenne pepper Chili Oil or butter ...

Slice the onion and garlic in small cubes. "Burn" the spices lightly in butter, and then add the onions. When they are "soft" then add the meat and Brown it well. When the meat is browned, came both the chopped tomatoes and tomatpurén i. Cook up entire wi

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little grated cheese to taste Salt ...

melt margarine and saute onions and mushrooms in it. When this is nicely browned, take it up and fry the meat. then put onions and mushrooms back in the Pan and add the tomato paste and broth. season with salt, pepper, timiam and oregano. Butter a baking di

Mains Flute Marjoram Pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin rings. Place them in a greased ovenproof dish taglagt and sprinkle salt, pepper and Marjoram between the layers. Pour the cream and the liquid from the tomatoes (no tomatoes) by the potatoes. Form 4 patties of minced

Mains Div. desired spices Eggs to swabs packages with Onion ...

One finhakker onion and fry it with the meat. On request you can flavour it is, but it is not absolutely necessary. You divide each fillet plate over in two or three and they rolled out to the desired size. Butter plates with pikantost now. The thickness of